The less time remains before the New Year holidays, the more often people begin to think about where and how to celebrate the beginning of the new year. Today, celebration is becoming very popular somewhere abroad, for example, in England, where you can feel the whole atmosphere of ancient traditions and get vivid emotions.

Step 1
In fact, the New Year on the territory of this country is not a primary holiday, since Christmas is much more important for the inhabitants of Foggy Albion. But, nevertheless, here you will find the opportunity to spend a wonderful New Year's Eve according to ancient traditions.
The first thing you should know about English traditions is that New Year is a holiday for close friends who are quite important in your life. It is also not customary to give gifts here, since everything has already been presented on the eve of Christmas Eve.
Step 2
Before the onset of this important day, you need to carefully clean the house, throwing away all unnecessary and old things in order to make room for new and desired ones. Also try to complete all important matters, as it is considered a bad omen to "drag" with you a load of unresolved problems in the next year. The celebration takes place during a fun party.
Step 3
As soon as the clock strikes, you need to immediately open the door wide open. The British believe that this is how the new year comes into the house. It is very good if the house also has a back door. In this case, open it as well to let go of the old year with all the failures.
Step 4
The British consider the sign, which is associated with the first person who enters the house after the New Year, to be very important. It is believed that it is he who will affect your future, especially material wealth. It is advisable that the person who visits your home brings you a gift - a glass of crystal clear water or a piece of coal. In this case, you can be sure that next year will be very happy for you.
Step 5
By the way, you can participate in the harvest forecast. For example, if it rains on New Year's Eve, the harvest will be very bad.
Step 6
For the New Year, you must definitely present to all your relatives and friends with a beautiful and bright New Year's card. By the way, it was on the territory of England that this tradition was started, because the first holiday postcard was created here in 1794.
Step 7
If you do not know exactly where to go, then the best place to celebrate the New Year will be the city of Leeds, where this holiday is of great importance.