The prom is a trait that separates childhood, school from an independent adult life. How many warm words, memories, wishes in one evening. Preparation takes more than one day. Every moment of this day should be special, and congratulations should be the warmest and most memorable.

Congratulation form
Writing a wish is sometimes not so easy. To make your congratulations really memorable, you should put as much kindness and warmth in it as possible.
First, you need to decide on the form of congratulations: text or rhymed. Whether it will be in the form of prosaic speech or using any pictures or even objects. You can still make a rhymed congratulation - this is the most popular form of congratulations.
When using prosaic speech, pay attention to some of the unique and fun moments that happened to the students. Try to remember something unusual. Prose, competently built on real events, with the mention of various pleasant details and little things that happened to the students, will be able to remain in the memory for many years.
Congratulations, in which pictures and photographs are used, can be supplemented with aphorisms. The main thing is that the thoughts are not too deep. Focus on the event taking place at the moment, on its solemnity and significance.
Rhymed greetings are really the most popular. A huge number of examples of congratulations can be found on the Internet. Remember that poetic congratulations should be perceived easily and be harmonious. Be careful with pretentious words and, best of all, write the verse yourself, even if the rhyme is not quite perfect. The main thing is sincerity and sincerity.
What to wish graduates
When the form of the wish is determined, it remains only to come up with what exactly will be included in the congratulation.
We can say a few warm words about the years that the students spent at their desks, studied, learned new things, but do not forget about wishes for the future. Small memorable gifts will look very symbolic. For example, you can give each of the graduates a clean notebook with the wish to start a new life from scratch, paint it only in bright and bright colors of happiness. Then you can ask everyone to write down the most striking events and after 5 years, at the alumni meeting, take these notebooks with you and rejoice for everyone.
Another wonderful wish can be the words that life should be easy and career growth always strives only upward. When choosing a similar option, it will be symbolic to give everyone a balloon, which is very light and will always fly up, just like their life and career, let it fly up the ladder of life, and let the sky always remain bright.