The birthday, let alone the anniversary of the director of a company or organization, never goes unnoticed. Employees send countless greeting cards with similar texts, heads of departments come to congratulate in person and give the usual practical things. How to congratulate the director on the anniversary, so that the congratulation will be remembered, and not to hit the face in the dirt?

Step 1
Identify the basic character traits of your leader. If this is a person with a good sense of humor, you can approach the congratulation with an invention and add a comic frame in verse to the gift. If frivolous things are alien to him, he is always collected, scrupulous and thinks only about work, it will be difficult to count on a positive reaction to your humorous congratulations.
Step 2
Among the neutral, but undoubtedly very pleasant ways to congratulate the director is an application for one of the radio stations, which he listens to on the way to work, for example. He will be pleased, being in a traffic jam, or standing at a traffic light, to hear good wishes from colleagues and his favorite song.
Step 3
Think about the director's hobbies. If he is fond of fishing, donate a certificate to the best fishing tackle store, if the hunter is a collectible hunting knife, if a music lover - a collection of favorite audio compositions, if a summer resident and gardener - a hammock in a gazebo, if a lover of new technologies - some modern gadget.
Step 4
For a very low price, you can order the compilation of your director's family tree. Arrange all this in a beautiful frame and present it solemnly. He will be pleased to know that, perhaps, there were princes or counts in his family.
Step 5
You can pre-shoot video greetings from the teams of the department of your organization. Employees can read poetry, sing songs, or just say nice words. It is important that this is done in a good mood and sincerely.
Step 6
If, nevertheless, your director is a sociable person and does not shy away from songs and dances, write light comic, not offensive ditties or couplets about him. You can invite a magician who will show you a couple of illusionary tricks with banknotes, for example, and just with ordinary things. And at the most crucial moment, he will hand over a gift from the team who came from nowhere.