The magic wand is the most common props for magicians, illusionists and magicians, their main working tool. With her help, they create real miracles, show tricks. Depending on how much a person believes in the magical properties of a wand, the process of making it can be as simple as it can be quite complicated and confusing.

Step 1
For a child who is beginning to master the skill of a magician, you can make the simplest stick of the available materials with minimal effort and time. For example, take an ordinary unsharpened pencil as a blank and paint it in some unusual color or several colors. And so that the new paint does not get your hands dirty, cover it with varnish. A more difficult option is to paste over the pencil with smooth, matte or "velvet" colored paper, carefully covering it at the ends.

Step 2
A magic wand of a complex, but original shape can be carved by yourself on a wood lathe. Here you can give free rein to your imagination: give it a conical shape, carve a handle in a comfortable shape, make a kind of hilt (like a sword) that separates the handle from the main part. After processing the product on the machine, it must be processed with fine-grained sandpaper, painted with colored or colorless paint, and varnished. If desired, install additional decorations: a star or a crystal at the end, a notch on the handle or on the stick itself, trim the handle with leather or rhinestones.

Step 3
Those who consider themselves a real wizard and want to create their own magic wand with real magic need to follow many rituals. First of all, choose the right "your" tree, from the branch of which you can get a tool for fulfilling various desires. You need to choose a tree in the forest, as far as possible from cities, settlements and places of civilization. Walking through the forest, try to turn off extraneous thoughts, listen to intuition, which will tell you the right tree. Perhaps the first time you will not be able to find "your" tree, then you need to resort to the help of meditation.

Step 4
Try to communicate on a mental, intuitive level with all the trees. First of all - with the young and strong. Old and dry specimens should be avoided as they cannot provide a strong charge for the stick. As soon as the right tree is found, there should be a feeling of a strong magnetic attraction between it and the person. Celtic horoscopes help many in choosing "their" tree. But you need to remember that the information in them is more advisory in nature. Only intuition should be the main assistant in the choice. The most favorable time to search for a tree is the waxing moon phase.
Step 5
After the tree is found, you need to mentally ask him for a branch and be sure to get his consent. Without this, the wand will never help its owner. It is believed that sticks made from young trees will have a steady charge for many decades. Sticks made from powerful mature trees are a very strong but short-lived charge. There is a belief that sticks made of oak, pine or bamboo have very special magical properties.
Step 6
When choosing the right branch of the tree, trust your intuition, what the tree will "say". To properly cut off a branch, you need to hit the base sharply, but not very hard. If the blow is executed correctly, the branch will be cut off easily and the first time. Do not forget to mentally thank the tree for its help after this. After that, right on the spot or at home, you can start processing the resulting material. Usually, the length of magic wands is from 35 to 42 cm. But more often its size is selected individually - along the length of the elbow, if measured from the tip of the middle finger.
Step 7
Having decided on the size, use a sharp knife to level the cut, and then cut the branch to the desired length. Remove shoots from the branch and remove the knife. All further operations for making the stick must be performed without the help of any tools. It is believed that in this way the future stick will be "saturated" with the energy of its owner. Using your fingers, nails and teeth, remove the bark from the branch. At the same time, try to work carefully, without leaving unnecessary scratches and dents on the stick, cleaning it white. After that, the stick must be dried within 2 weeks. But it is not enough just to put it in a warm and dry place. It must be taken in hand as often as possible so that it is constantly fueled by the energy of its owner.
Step 8
The next stage of processing is grinding. For this, it is necessary to use only natural materials - fine-grained pumice or a suitable stone. Sandpaper or a file will not work. You need to grind the stick slowly, putting your heart into its processing, trying to make it smooth and even along its entire length. During the sanding process, the surface of the wood may become covered with small cracks. This indicates that the wood is not completely dry. It must be dried and sanding continued until the result is achieved. At the end of the process, a hole can be made at the tip of the handle and a string can be threaded through it for comfortable carrying of the stick. In this case, you also need to use exclusively nails or teeth - no tools. Many people rub it with incense, decorate with ribbons, rhinestones or crystals, although this is not necessary.
Step 9
In order for the wand to have magical properties, it is recommended to constantly carry it with you from the moment you cut it from the tree. On the street, to work, put in bed with you and take in the shower. This is necessary so that the wand is constantly fueled by the emotions and energy of its owner. You need to take it in your hands as often as possible, mentally communicate with it, pass your thoughts through it. A stick, completely made by hand, in compliance with all rituals, becomes an individual item. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that it never falls into the wrong hands.
Step 10
You should not use a magic wand in a public place, portraying a magician or sorcerer. In this case, you can run into stinging ridicule from others and forever lose faith in her magical abilities. It is better to use it for home rituals. For example, for acupuncture massage. Or, touching every bill in your wallet, protect yourself from rash spending. Or knock on your shoes three times before leaving the house, so as not to be late for work or an important meeting.