A wedding is one of the most important events in the life of a person who has decided to undergo this ceremony. On this day, young spouses promise before God to always love and respect each other. Modern families are quite responsible for this event, and often organize a wedding after a certain time after the official registration of marriage, when they understand that they were not mistaken in their choice.

funds for the purchase of icons and payment for the wedding
Step 1
Identify the temple in which you plan to get married. The choice of the temple is determined only by the newlyweds, based on their personal preferences. Moreover, their place of residence and registration do not matter. You can even go through the wedding procedure in a foreign city. The main thing is the presence of a sincere desire.
Step 2
Make an appointment with the priest. Before you start preparing for the wedding, you need to talk to the priest, as in different churches, oddly enough, the order of the wedding is different. For example, in one church, spouses will be allowed to decorate the room with flowers and take photos and videos, while in another, on the contrary, all this will be prohibited. Usually, you can make an appointment with the priest behind the candle box (the place where candles are sold).
Step 3
Talk to the priest. During the consultation, the priest will tell you when the wedding can be held (on some days it is not held), and what is needed for this. Usually, for this you will need to purchase special icons for those who are married; this must be done right in the church. The priest usually offers to read a special brochure, which describes everything that should precede the wedding. Do not forget to listen to all the priest's recommendations and write down what is required of you: take communion, prepare a suitable outfit, buy candles, etc.
Step 4
Determine the time and date of the wedding. The priest will certainly offer you several options for the date and time. You just have to agree with each other what time will be most convenient for you.
Step 5
Decide on the shape of your wedding. This can be a group or individual ceremony. In the first case, the priest marries several couples at once, in the second - only you. In principle, there is not much difference between these forms. Usually, a group wedding lasts a little longer, and an individual wedding is a little more expensive.