The wedding cortege is an important part of any wedding celebration. Traditional driving through the city accompanied by the hum of car horns and a line of cars decorated with balloons, ribbons and flowers - no wedding can do without this action.

Usually, the cars of the invited relatives and friends are chosen for the wedding procession - it's easier and cheaper. They also decorate cars on their own, since everyone can cope with fixing satin ribbons and a pair of balloons. As a result, such a cortege looks mismatched and involuntarily brings a smile - different models of cars and homemade decorations can spoil the impression of a stylized wedding, especially if the rest of the design matches a single design.
The second option is to order cars from a wedding bureau or a car rental company. Working with a wedding agency is attractive for the quality of services rendered - the people responsible for organizing the wedding will decorate cars in accordance with all requirements, provide cars of the same brand or color (as you wish). The choice of cars is usually very rich - from domestic cars to limousines and vintage cars. The more unusual the car, the higher the cost of renting it. The most expensive is renting a horse-drawn wedding carriage (usually this service costs several times more than renting a limousine). Professionalism always increases the cost of the service, so it is better to postpone a substantial amount at once to order such a motorcade. If you order additional services from the agency (decoration of a banquet hall, full organization of the celebration), you can get a significant discount - a set of services, as a rule, is cheaper than a separate work.
Private car rental companies usually do not decorate cars, but in each case this should be discussed separately. If you use the services of a company for organizing and holding wedding celebrations, then car decoration is included in the estimate - the designers will think over and carry out the car decoration. Some of the private car rental companies refuse to conclude contracts - this is very dangerous, because instead of the agreed limousines, you can see battered Volga cars on the wedding day. Therefore, choose companies that conclude standard contracts, which usually indicate the number of cars, their color, brand, minimum order time, cost of one hour of rent, etc.