The news of pregnancy is one of the brightest events in a woman's life. Pregnant women perceive it in different ways: some expectant mothers are ready to share their joy with the whole world, others prefer to spend the cherished 9 months in peace and quiet. Therefore, there is still no consensus on whether it is worth arranging pregnancy holidays.

Holidays in honor of the expectant mother have long been popular in the United States and European countries, but in Russia they are not often held so far. Our compatriots are still arguing over whether to arrange a festive dinner on the occasion of pregnancy, or not to celebrate this event in any way.
Pro and contra
Supporters of all kinds of celebrations happily picked up the idea of the Western Baby shower, which is held in honor of pregnancy, and in every possible way promotes the spread of this custom. Indeed, many expectant mothers are extremely proud of their "piquant" position and gladly accept numerous congratulations on this occasion.
On the other hand, our ancestors have long had a custom: to hide pregnancy as long as possible. It was believed that the birth of a new life is such a mystical and mysterious action that only the closest people are allowed to know about it. In addition, there was a belief that the expectant mother, before the birth of the baby, should not acquire or accept children's things as a gift, so as not to be exposed to the evil eye and not to harm herself and the child.
There is one more "but": not all pregnancies are proceeding smoothly enough - some women need complete rest. In this case, the hassle and excitement associated with organizing and holding a festive dinner can negatively affect the health of the expectant mother.
Best ideas for the Baby shower
If the decision is made, and the holiday takes place, then it must go through flawlessly. Pregnant women are very vulnerable, so you need to carefully consider both the list of invited guests and the scenario of the event in order to deliver only positive emotions to the hero of the occasion.
On a holiday on the occasion of pregnancy, you must invite your closest friends, whom the expectant mother will really be delighted with. The event itself should not last more than 3 hours so that she does not get tired.
A gala dinner menu may include salads, snacks, and fruits. From drinks it is better to prefer juices, lemonade, fruit or milkshakes. Sometimes it is appropriate just to limit yourself to tea drinking and a "sweet" table.
Gifts are one of the main components of the holiday. It is accepted that the pregnant woman informs the guests about her preferences in advance. In this case, everyone will benefit: it will be easier for guests to decide on the choice of children's clothes, and the expectant mother will receive only pleasant and useful surprises.
Don't forget about holiday entertainment. You can arrange all sorts of contests with children's themes, for example, competitions in speedy swaddling of a baby doll, knowledge of the plots of children's cartoons, or guessing the girth of the expectant mother's abdomen.