Most men believe that making a gift for a girl is not so easy - after all, all ladies are so picky. In fact, you just need to show a little ingenuity and imagination. In principle, these basic qualities are needed to choose a gift not only for a girl, but also for any other person.

Step 1
So, to make a gift for a girl, you must first choose it. And you have to choose wisely and with feeling, paying attention to all the details. A gift is not just some expensive (or not so) thing that you give a girl on the occasion of a holiday or a significant date. It is also a symbol - of your attitude towards her, her significance for you, your intentions towards her. Therefore, before you go to the store and look at things, think carefully about all this, so that later it will not be excruciatingly painful.
Step 2
You have figured out what you want to say with this gift - now you can start choosing. If a girl is dear to you, do not think that an exceptionally expensive, pompous gift will accurately convey your attitude towards her and make her pleasant. The gift in this case should come from the heart. You should know your girlfriend's tastes, what she likes, what she doesn't like, what she needs, what, maybe, she needs. To make such a gift, you need to know the person very well. And understand yourself.
Step 3
Be original, but in moderation. There is no need to give a girl some unusual, but completely unnecessary, bulky gift that has nowhere to attach. The gift should combine originality and practicality. He should do something nice to the girl you give it to, tell her about your feelings and not occupy half of her room. It is also important whether she already has such a thing that you are going to give. If there is, but you did not know about it and still gave it - at best, the girl will remain slightly disappointed and will think what to do with two identical gifts, at worst - a disaster.
Step 4
Think also about how you will present your gift. This, perhaps, should be given as much attention as possible. You can give an expensive thing as if you threw it in your face with a dirty rag, or you can furnish a small, inexpensive present so that a person will understand: this is from the bottom of my heart. So think about what would be more appropriate: romance, surprise, friends' participation, mini-performance … Or is it all together? Here, the matter is left to your imagination, limited only by common sense. Good luck to you!