There is not much time left until the New Year, it's time to decorate the house! This year, while searching on the Internet for schemes for carving snowflakes, I came across an idea that was new to me - decorating windows with carved figures. I share the idea and templates!

My presentation will be short, since I wanted to share exactly the stencils for printing on a printer, many of which I edited myself to the outline.
Most of all I liked the landscape sketches. They can be glued not at the bottom of the window, as I did, but, for example, stepping back twenty centimeters from the edge, and below fantasy "snowdrifts", which are very easy to do. To do this, draw a suitable contour on paper, cut it out, and inside the contour you can cut out various curls with a clerical knife. I tried to do it with a stationery knife for wallpaper, it turned out not as beautiful as I would like, but I really liked the idea itself.
In the upper part of the window, Santa Claus in a sleigh and galloping deer can sit well. The deer on the template are depicted as a solid figure, but I also made cuts inside, so the paper silhouette seems more fragile.
At the very top I got spruce branches - spruce branches, initially I wanted to "hang" the cut out Christmas balls on these branches, but there was no more room for them.
Snowflakes, as you can see, are still indispensable, the most diverse, they adorned the field between other New Year's characters.