The anniversary is one of the most important events in our life. Ideally, it should be celebrated in such a way that the impressions will last for many years. It's nice to remember funny contests and original congratulations from close friends. The prepared script of the holiday will delight not only the hero of the day, but also surprise the invited guests.

When choosing a scenario, you need to build on the age criteria of the hero of the day and guests. If adult guests are difficult to climb, they like to sit at a delicious table more, then energetic children, on the contrary, are eager to show their skills, jump and run into battle.
Scenes for the holiday
In an adult company, family jokes are appropriate. Funny contests about the relationship between a man and a woman, about forgetfulness and resourcefulness are relevant. For example, a man shoots a ball with a stick tied to his belt into the goal from widely spaced female legs. Or a spicy competition for the contents of the pocket. Interested participants turn out their supplies, and the winner is the one whose finds caused a storm of emotions among the guests.
Dance competitions will be interesting. For example: who moves better, who quickly depicts the corresponding dance on the theme of the melody, which couple will last longer. In these nominations, you can add different conditions - to hold the ball, not leave the circle, hold hands and others.
For any age, scenes with dressing up as famous actors are appropriate. You can sing congratulations to the soundtrack of popular performers, copying all the nuances of outfits and features of behavior. In a comic form, you can show an excerpt from a famous film, focusing on the voices and mannerisms of the actors, and deliver a congratulatory speech. There are many who want to feel like a real star for a few minutes.
At the schoolchild's jubilee, it is better to pay attention to contests that will cover all those present at once. Comic competitions and relay races are well suited, children will show dexterity, energy and accuracy of actions. It will be fascinating to transfer water in a glass on an outstretched arm, run with a ball sandwiched between your legs, throw rings or balls at the target, jump on painted stones.
It is good to replace active entertainment with games at the table. Classes for logical thinking and testing of basic school knowledge are suitable. You can invite children to draw a guest sitting next to them, play cities, solve anagrams, and guess comic riddles.
The young hero of the day will appreciate the competition when there are inverted cards with animals. The player, without peeping, puts a picture to his forehead and everyone begins to describe what this animal can do. Soon the child determines who the friends are talking about. Unusual and rare animals cause great excitement in the guys.
Best congratulations
Between contests in the script, be sure to leave space for congratulations to the hero of the day. In order of priority, each guest tells what qualities he values the birthday man, what he wants to wish in his future destiny.
It is appropriate to recall comic incidents from the life of the birthday man and wish that bright moments were more often encountered on his way. Toasts on the topic of work or hobbies of the hero of the day sound beautiful. Congratulations should cover all moments of his life, and not be formulaic phrases. Remember what good children and grandchildren the birthday boy raised, or wish it for the future.
You can praise and honor the hero of the day for a long time, but do not overdo it. All words should be pleasant and spoken from the heart.