Probably there is no holiday more fun and spacious for our truly limitless imagination than April 1. On this day, we amaze each other with the scope of jokes and practical jokes. He jokes both old and young. Even kindergarteners know what April 1 is. And there is no need to talk about schoolchildren.

Step 1
In schools, real humorous battles unfold between classes, teachers and students.
Many people arrange KVNs because in the anniversary year of the Club of Merry and Resourcefuls the game has become very popular, including among schoolchildren starting from the middle grades.
In some schools, student teams play against a team of teachers.
Step 2
Many classes publish wall newspapers dedicated to April 1. Very often, parents help with the release of such newspapers, so we can say that parents also take part in the April 1 celebration.
Step 3
Some schools arrange a “reverse day”. The lessons are taught by the students, and they give grades. Teachers have a rare opportunity to be children - to put buttons on the chair or to hang the signs with the numbers of the classrooms.
Step 4
The most advanced kids bring to school the products of funny horror shops - rubber severed fingers or eyes, life-size flies and spiders made of latex. The old trick with a fly in a glass of tea is still relevant on April Fool's Day. And a pillow that makes obscene sounds placed on a chair for a schoolmate is just a classic.
Step 5
April 1 is a real holiday for children with wild imagination, capable of coming up with thousands of practical jokes and jokes. The main thing is to put such energy into a peaceful channel and usefully, without destruction, spend this day.