April 1st! On this day, it is customary to play pranks on friends and acquaintances, and, of course, colleagues are no exception. Although, when coming up with jokes and practical jokes for colleagues, do not forget that you, too, can become their "victim". But in any case, this holiday is a great test of the sense of humor and a good opportunity to laugh heartily!

Step 1
Prank your colleagues throughout the working day, and at the end of it, put together a party and sum up the funniest and most successful events. But remember that the prank should not be offensive, and if you do not have confidence in someone's adequate reaction, it is better to refrain from joking.
Step 2
Prepare the ground ahead of time to involve as many employees as possible. Hang up on the wall in the hallway for the global April Fool's Day competition (or post on the company's website).
Step 3
And on April 1, prepare a new announcement indicating the start time of the party and place some tricky questions there. It is the answers of colleagues to them that will serve as a kind of pass to the holiday. For example:
- who is the knife for the fork?
- how to get married without loss?
- what is the person made of?
- what can you find in cabbage besides a child?
- why is there no Frost at Santa Claus?
Step 4
Additionally, notify that the quality and quantity of pranks and jokes are counted by department, and by the evening a written report on the work done during the day will be presented to the bosses. The “productive” department will be rewarded.
Step 5
You can also prepare an unusual treat. Mix inedible food with normal food. Funny signs with inscriptions will look good, which will "characterize" some of them, for example, "Pies with kittens" on a bottle of alcohol "Last Breath".
Step 6
Buy various things in a joke store that will help you in your "innocent pranks". It can be rubber cakes, exploding sugar, plastic flies that you throw on plates. You have to make your colleagues wait for the catch from everywhere.
Step 7
To get started, offer a riddle contest so that the guests of the party stop being shy and feel comfortable. Riddles, of course, should be funny with unexpected answers.
Step 8
After about the third toast, start the entertainment program, because colleagues will even be ready for the draws. Remember that the best option is to alternate between simple contests and fun games with prank games. Decide for yourself - how many there will be, and in what order they will follow.
Step 9
At the end of the holiday, take stock of the contests and sweepstakes and present funny gifts to everyone present. They can be:
- beads made of sweets;
- a mirror on which it is written: "It's you!";
- the tale "Teremok" - "a guide for a novice realtor";
- a rattle or a whistle - for a “novice musician”, etc.