Terrorism is one of the worst and ugliest manifestations of political and religious intolerance. In Russia, he claimed hundreds of lives, so the fight against him does not stop for a minute. The Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism unites people who are ready to resist it with all their might.

The first attempts to achieve political goals by terror were noted in Russia back in the 19th century, one of the bloodiest acts of that time was the murder of Emperor Alexander II by the People's Will on March 1, 1881. In 1911, the Prime Minister of the Russian Empire, Pyotr Stolypin, became another victim of terror. After the 1917 revolution, terrorism in Russia disappeared for many years and re-emerged only with the collapse of the Soviet Union. This is quite understandable, since the heyday of terrorism always occurs in years of political and economic instability.
The collapse of the USSR led to a sharp exacerbation of interethnic contradictions; a number of local conflicts broke out on the territory of the former Soviet Union. They also did not bypass the new Russia, two Chechen wars not only claimed tens of thousands of lives, but also led to a surge of terrorism in the country. The explosions of apartment buildings in Moscow, the tragedy in the theater center on Dubrovka, the seizure of a school in Beslan - these and other terrorist acts became known to the whole world. It was the events in Beslan in the first days of September 2004 that prompted the adoption in July 2005 of the decision to establish September 3 as the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism.
On this day, all over the country remember those killed in terrorist attacks, as well as all those who gave their lives in the fight against this evil. Wreaths are laid at the sites of terrorist attacks, memorial services are performed in churches. In many cities affected by terrorism, social and cultural events are held, accompanied by speeches by public figures, famous politicians, and representatives of the arts. On this day, television shows films and television programs dedicated to the fight against terrorism, reminiscent of the inadmissibility of manifestations of religious and ethnic intolerance.
The flourishing of terrorism is directly related to the socio-economic situation in the country, with its strength. The weaker the country, the worse the state of affairs in the economy, the louder the terrorists declare themselves. Statistics show that the number of terrorist attacks in Russia is steadily declining, although it still remains unacceptably high. The main way to eliminate terrorism is to prevent it. Terrorism, like any phenomenon, has its reasons, and it is with them that we should fight in the first place. It is possible to eradicate terrorism only by depriving it of ideological and financial support, and by normalizing the socio-economic situation in the republics of the North Caucasus.