The Museum of Everything is the only traveling museum in the world that displays works by unknown and unrecognized artists. In his collection you can find drawings, paintings, sculptures and photographs by non-professional authors from different countries.

The author of this project is the British director James Brett. In 2009, he founded it to actively promote the outsider art of the 20th and 21st centuries. The Museum of Everything has already organized 4 exhibitions in its native UK and Italy, which attracted over 300,000 visitors.
Now Bretom presents a project in Russia, where the journey of the "Museum of Everything" passes through Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg and ends in Moscow. The exhibition will run for three days in each city.
It is noteworthy that this project not only exhibits existing works, but also collects new ones from talented self-taught people during its journey. All works collected in Russia can be seen at the largest exhibition in Moscow, which will open in 2013 at the Garage Center. The museum examines paintings, sculptures, drawings and photographs of installations.
The selection process for the Museum of Everything differs from the classical application for the competition - the author communicates directly with the members of the commission, tells her about his work and can show other works. According to James Brett, the priority in the selection of works for this exhibition is not the fame and recognition of the author, but the sincerity of the artist and the veracity of his work. They should not be created for galleries, but, first of all, for themselves.
The museum is also actively involved in charity work - in its collections you can often find works by authors who work in difficult conditions. Among them there are people with disabilities, homeless people, prisoners. He collects interesting works from churches and hospitals, collaborates with artists of an alternative genre.
The Museum of Everything consists of two open mobile containers. In the first of them, Brett communicates with the jury with the artists, and in the second, those works that interest them are immediately exhibited. Today they have already selected over 100 entries.