You don't have much time left to prepare for the New Year. Don't wait for the last week of December! In order not to get bogged down in the pre-holiday bustle, start organizing your favorite celebration in advance.

Competent planning - 50% success. Set aside a minimum task for each of the days of December. If you don’t postpone what is planned for later, New Year's Eve will delight you with pleasant relaxation. In your diary, carefully write down each day of the month - what to do and when. Make a holiday menu - and a list of necessary products to it. Buy a little bit throughout December to avoid the shopping rush. Plan also a visit to the hairdresser, beautician and manicurist.
The main decoration of the New Year's interior is a Christmas tree. You need to buy it 7-14 days before the start of the celebration. A week before the end of the year, prices for the holiday symbol will increase several times. Of course, if you have an artificial beauty, you can get it from the mezzanine even in the last week of December.
Shopping time. Shopping should be done in advance to avoid the pre-New Year fever. Decide to whom, what gift you will present. Determine the approximate amount and in which stores or shopping centers you will buy all this. If the list of gifts is rather big, divide their purchase for two or three days.
Final preparations: clean and decorate the apartment, decorate the Christmas tree, prepare the New Year's table. Distribute the workload wisely among household members. And do not forget about yourself - as a hostess / master of the house, you simply have to shine. Take a relaxing bath a few hours before the holiday. And in a good mood in the New Year!