Wedding: How Everything Should Be

Wedding: How Everything Should Be
Wedding: How Everything Should Be

A wedding is one of the most wonderful holidays. Lovers become husband and wife, take an oath to be together, respect and protect each other. It is clear that both they and their relatives and friends really want the holiday to be a success. But sometimes the desire to hold a wedding as colorful and magnificent as possible, to observe traditions, leads to the fact that the celebration turns out to be too noisy and tedious, and there is no real festive atmosphere. What is the best way to hold a wedding?

Wedding: how everything should be
Wedding: how everything should be

Down with stereotypes

Don't be afraid to step out of stereotypes when planning your wedding. Many wedding ceremonies have now become anachronistic. For example, the ransom of the bride now looks just ridiculous, especially when you consider that many modern girls before marriage live with future husbands in a civil marriage. In addition, the bridesmaids and relatives of the bride are often altered by the sense of proportion and taste, and they turn the ransom into a real mockery of the groom.

A sumptuous banquet with expensive food, a sea of alcohol and many guests, most of whom are new to each other, is also not the best option. And it's not even about the large amount that will have to be paid. The hall will be very noisy, and this is unlikely to benefit the celebration.

The same applies to the wedding cavalcade of luxury limousines. Nothing bad will happen if the newlyweds, witnesses and guests ride in more modest cars. Yes, and a fluffy dress with a crinoline, although very beautiful, gives the newlywed a lot of inconvenience.

And without stealing the bride's shoe (not to mention the bride herself) it is quite possible to do without. In a word, when thinking over a wedding program, do not be afraid to give up everything that you do not like, raises doubts. Drive away ridiculous fears: “People will not understand, they will think that we do not respect traditions, that it’s a pity for money …” In the end, the wedding is held for the bride and groom, and not for abstract “people”.

How to organize a wedding

Organize the wedding the way the bride and groom wants. On the wedding day, all attention is focused on the newlyweds, they are the heroes of the occasion. Therefore, it is up to them to decide how best to conduct this ceremony. Parents, other relatives and friends can express their opinion, give light, but you should not insist on your own.

If the bride wants to do without a fluffy dress with a crinoline, there is nothing to worry about. The main thing is that she likes her outfit and is comfortable. It is not even necessary that the dress be white, another color will do, for example, beige, light pink.

Instead of many dozens of guests, it is quite possible to get by with a closer circle, inviting only close relatives and friends to the wedding. Finally, it is not necessary to rent a hall in a restaurant or cafe, it is quite possible to arrange a celebration in the bosom of nature: in a country house or in a country cottage.

The main thing is to create a warm, friendly atmosphere so that this bright holiday will forever be remembered by all its participants.
