Belgian Father's Day does not have a strictly fixed celebration date. It is celebrated on the second Sunday of June and is revered by the inhabitants of Belgium no less than by the Russians on February 23.

This holiday does not go back to the distant past - Father's Day in Belgium began to be celebrated relatively recently, in the 20th century. There is a version that the holiday originally appeared in America, and its founder was the American Sonora Smart Dodd from the city of Washington. Her father, a veteran of the Civil War, raised six children alone. His wife died giving birth to her last child, but William Smart, that was the name of the American's father, managed to take care of the heirs. Mrs Dodd proposed to set aside a certain day to honor not only her heroic father, but all fathers in general.
It is believed that Father's Day emphasizes the importance of the role of the head of the family in raising children, and not just as a provider of wealth. Gradually, this holiday became so popular that it went beyond the borders of America. Today it is celebrated in almost all countries of the world, including Belgium. True, unlike other countries, where the third Sunday in June is considered Father's Day, the Belgians celebrate it on the second Sunday in June. For example, this year the Belgians will congratulate their fathers on June 10, and in 2013 - on June 9.
Despite the fact that the holiday has not yet a very long history, the Belgians have developed certain traditions associated with this date. On this day, it is customary to help, including financially, poor single fathers. In general, women and girls give not only fathers, but also all important men in their lives - grandfathers, uncles, brothers, husbands - the famous Belgian chocolate, postcards and flowers made with their own hands. By the way, the color of the bouquet also matters. It is customary to give red roses if the father is alive, and to decorate the grave of a deceased man with white roses. It is customary to spend Father's Day in Belgium actively, therefore, traditionally, in honor of this date, hiking and numerous active games are organized.