How To Draw Christmas Patterns On The Window With Toothpaste

How To Draw Christmas Patterns On The Window With Toothpaste
How To Draw Christmas Patterns On The Window With Toothpaste

Magical New Year's motives can be easily applied to glass using ordinary toothpaste and a stencil. And, importantly, these drawings can be easily washed off with water after the New Year holidays.

How to draw Christmas patterns on the window with toothpaste
How to draw Christmas patterns on the window with toothpaste

Original New Year's patterns on the windows will add a festive mood to the whole family. Small children are especially fond of such creativity, because they themselves will be able to create magical drawings with the help of toothpaste.


Drawing with toothpaste with a brush or sponge


- sponge or brush / brushes of different thickness;

- toothpaste (white);

- stencil.


To apply a picture on glass, you can use a pre-prepared stencil from the Internet. Such a stencil must be printed, cut and attached to the glass in the chosen place. Squeeze out the toothpaste on a saucer or plate, dilute it slightly with water if necessary. Fill in the gaps in the stencil with a brush or sponge, dipping it into toothpaste. Then remove the stencil and, if necessary, finish painting the details with a brush or toothpick.

Helpful Hint: You can paint patterns with toothpaste on the window at least every day, removing old patterns with a wet sponge.


Drawing with toothpaste with a toothpick


- Toothpaste;

- a toothpick;

- wet sponge;

Squeeze the required amount of toothpaste directly onto the glass and distribute it evenly with a damp sponge. On this snow-white background, use a toothpick to draw various New Year's motives.
