Fishing Day is celebrated all over the world on June 27. This holiday was established in 1984 in Rome at the International Conference on the Regulation and Development of Fisheries. Since then, it has been widely celebrated in many countries by amateurs and professionals of fishing.

For some people, fishing is a hobby, a way to take a break from urban civilization, for others it is a job and a means to feed themselves and their families. But both those and others are sure - fishing helps to strengthen spiritual and physical strength, hardens, makes it possible to communicate with wildlife.
The International Day of Fishing was organized to draw attention to this type of activity, to remind about the observance of the rules of fishing, to mark the people for whom fishing is a professional activity.
Fishing Day is celebrated on the banks of rivers, lakes, seas and other bodies of water. In many parts of the world at this time, various festivals, contests and competitions are held. Also, all kinds of master classes on the art of owning a fishing rod are arranged. Festive events bring together experienced professionals, amateurs and beginners. Among the participants in the competition, you can see not only men, but also women and children.
An obligatory part of the holiday is individual and team fishing competitions. Here the winners are revealed: who has the biggest catch, who caught the biggest fish. As a rule, the most successful are awarded with valuable prizes. The main requirements for these competitions are that fishing must be done in an honest way. Do not use nets, electric fishing rods or other poaching equipment and devices.
After the competition, all guests and participants of the celebration are treated to fried fish and aromatic fish soup. They amuse all those present with costume performances, songs, dances, and interesting games.
World Fishing Day unites millions of people around the world, one way or another associated with fishing. Many fishermen consider this day their professional holiday.