Every experienced fisherman knows a lot of tips for a good catch. A beginner should also know some of the features of fishing, then this activity will be the most interesting and productive.

Even on a low bank, it is possible to fail when playing large fish, especially if there is no landing net. Having reached the fish to a distance of 2-3 meters from the shore, you need to muddy the water, then the fish, not seeing a person, will not offer resistance.
When it comes to fishing in late fall, the line can freeze while fishing. To prevent this from happening, it can be lubricated with technical petroleum jelly, but not boric.
Over time, the sting of the hook begins to dull and the fish can come off it. You can sharpen the hook with a fine-grained abrasive cloth or, at worst, with a matchbox scraper.
In the absence of maggots, fishing with a float rod can be done on an oblong piece of foam. The fish reacts to this bait, especially if the styrofoam is lubricated with vegetable oil.
You can restore the original shine of a copper spoon by rubbing it against a cut of raw potato.
A bell for a back or bottom fishing rod can be made from a 12 or 16 gauge metal gun case.
In winter, to improve the bite of fish, you can reduce the size of the jigs used.
To prevent the hole from freezing during winter fishing, you can drop a few drops of sunflower oil into it. In addition, the oil can be of interest to some species of fish.
Fish are attracted to bright colors. Therefore, the hook can be painted bright green or red. In order for the paint to hold better, the hook must first be cleaned to a shine and smeared with linseed oil.
When fishing for a long time, the caught fish should not be kept on bare ice. She can freeze badly and lose her taste. Better to put it in a drawer or backpack right away.
The line can be tinted with potassium permanganate. Having previously dissolved several crystals in hot water and lowering a skein of wood there.
When planting a worm, do not clean it of dirt and earth.
Use fresh baits, fish bite better on them.
To cleanse the perch better and faster, immerse it in boiling water for a few seconds.
To prevent the forest from clinging to driftwood, duckweed and other vegetation, grease it.
To preserve the freshness of the fish for a long time in hot weather, you can bury it in the coastal sand. When placing it in a basket, layers of fish should be alternated with layers of nettles or bird cherry branches.
Combo nozzles are good. A worm is put on the hook, and a maggot or bloodworm is placed on the sting of the hook.
Lilac blooms - roach bites; ears of rye - there is a bite of bream.
Crucian carp is a whimsical fish. At different times of the day, it can peck at different bait.
Pisces do not tolerate nicotine. A smoker should wash his hands before handling the attachment.
When traveling to new fishing grounds, be sure to find out about the fishing rules in force there. Otherwise, you can become a poacher.