Easter is a great holiday for all believers. Easter is always associated with Easter cakes, painted eggs, Easter gifts and, most importantly, with the arrival of spring. As a rule, the whole family is busy preparing for Easter. Make interesting and exciting an event such as decorating an Easter basket, because this is an important item at the holiday. Easter basket decorations originate in ancient Catholic customs, when food for the Easter festive table was decorated as beautifully as possible and brought to the church to consecrate and receive blessings from the priest. And today, hostesses are sophisticated in decorating Easter baskets, the beauty of which can be appreciated during the festive service in the church on Bright Easter Sunday.

Step 1
One of the easiest and most affordable ways to decorate an elegant basket for Easter is to tie the edges and handles with silk or paper ribbons. Line the bottom of the basket with a starched, hand-embroidered waffle napkin and fill your creation with homemade cakes and colorful eggs.
Step 2
Try using a floral theme to decorate your basket. Artificial small decorative flowers, petals of natural flowers at the bottom of the basket, green ribbons woven into the handle will add a spring mood to your Easter dishes. It is better to put Easter cottage cheese in such a basket, sprinkle them with raisins and nuts.
Step 3
Surely your children will have a lot of beautiful figurines that are quite plausible to pretend to be an "Easter bunny". Any animals, nesting dolls, small paper lanterns will do. Hang all this on the handle and along the edges of the basket outside and plant it inside it on green paper grass. The basket can now be filled with brightly colored candies and colored eggs.
Step 4
Decorate your Easter basket with colored eggshell mosaics and candy foil. This method is becoming very popular because it is quite simple and accessible to everyone.
Step 5
Use Easter symbols, which are sold in abundance in stores, when decorating your basket. These are themed cards, and Easter stickers, and volumetric paper angels, and beads, and paper balls, and church candles and much more.
Step 6
If you haven't bought the basket in time, why not make it yourself. It is quite simple to weave it from cardboard (sketches can be found on the global network), or you can build a basket-nest from a bunch of straw and dry branches. The simpler your product is, the sleeker what you put in it will look.