Trinity is an old Russian holiday in which Orthodox traditions and Slavic rituals harmoniously merged. It is celebrated on Sunday, the fiftieth day after Easter, therefore it is called Pentecost. On this day, the Holy Spirit descended on Christ's disciples. The apostles spoke in all known languages and baptized about 3,000 people, thus marking the birthday of the Christian church.

Step 1
The upper room of Zion, in which the disciples of Christ and the Virgin Mary were, was decorated with tree branches, herbs and flowers, symbolizing the renewal of the soul and the awakening of nature. The tradition of decorating houses and churches with greenery was passed on to the Russian people. The day of farewell to spring and the meeting of summer, the Slavs dedicated to Lada, the goddess of spring. Since birch by this time was dressed in elegant greenery, it was treated with special reverence. Round dances were arranged around the birch trees and songs were sung. Girls decorated houses with birch branches and wove wreaths from them. They used to guess on the wreaths. They were thrown into the water and watched: if it floats, there will be happiness, if it drowns, the death of a loved one may happen, and if it turns in one place, the wedding will be upset. On Trinity they played games, swung on swings, burned fires and swam in the river. It was also customary to bring a mourned bundle of grass to the church. People believed that this rite would give the earth rain and save it from the summer drought.
Step 2
Liturgy and Great Vespers are served in Orthodox churches on Trinity Day. The day before the holiday, the temple is washed and cleaned. Priests dress in green, white or gold for the celebration, signifying the life-giving power of the Holy Spirit. The icons of the temple are decorated with birch branches, and the floor is covered with freshly cut grass. On Trinity, deceased relatives are commemorated. Priests read prayers for the repose of the souls of all the departed, for the salvation of those whose souls are in hell. Prayers are recited by them on their knees, which means the end of the post-Easter period, which does not allow bows and knees. In addition to the repose of the dead, prayers are read for the Church and for the condescension of the Holy Spirit, for the granting of grace to all present. Priests urge believers to worship the divine Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The second day after Trinity is called Spiritual Day. It begins with morning prayer: the canons written by Cosma Mayumsky and John Damascus are sung.
Step 3
The celebration of Trinity, like any other holiday, is not complete without a festive table. On Thursday, before Trinity, believers begin to prepare dishes from eggs, milk, fresh herbs, poultry and fish. Scrambled eggs are considered a must-have dish, as they symbolize the hot sun. Baking is especially popular - loaves, pies, pancakes. From drinking - jelly, wine, beer, mead. On the day of Trinity, in the morning they go to church, then they arrange a meal and walks in the forest, in the field, by the river. The tablecloth for a meal should be green, like spring nature.