The bat costume is perfect for both New Years and Halloween. Boys and girls of different ages can dress up in it, the sewing process will not differ.

Where to begin
First, you need to measure the distance from the fingertips of one hand to the fingertips of the other. This is how the span of the arms is determined. If there is a small margin left, this volume can be folded into a fold on the back. It is also very convenient. When the child is older, the fold can be ripped open. Thus, the suit can last for more than one year.
In order to make such a suit, you will need the following:
- black fabric (it is desirable that it does not crumble);
- scissors;
- tailor's meter;
- black threads;
- needles (if sewing on the hands).
Stages of creating a bat costume
At the first stage, having decided on the width of the piece of fabric, you need to clarify the length. It should be 20 centimeters more than the distance from the neck to the hips. After the piece of fabric is folded in half, the neck is cut out in the middle. You should get the shape of a semicircle. To do this, measure half the estimated width of the gate diagonally from the fold.
The second step is to create the wings. To do this, the fabric is folded again, and circles are cut along its edge. These will be the webbing of the wings. On the top of the piece of fabric, a strip of such width is folded inward to form a sleeve. A child's hand should easily pass into it. Now, from the bottom edge of the fold to the middle of the piece of fabric, semicircular notches are cut. You should get wings. Now you can sew the product, after folding the folds so that the fabric does not crumble.
The third and final stage is to sew the mask with the ears. It is needed in order to complete the image. You can follow the simplest path and sew a hood according to any suitable pattern. The bottom of the hood can be tucked into the raincoat or sewn to it from the inside. Make a mask out of cardboard. At both ends, you need to attach a thin elastic band, so that later you can easily fix the mask on your head.
A more difficult way is to sew a real mask, similar to that of the famous Batman. A black stretch fabric (eg stretch fabric) is best suited for this. Cut out the helmet again. It should fit snugly against your head. Triangles are cut from the same fabric, which are later sewn to the helmet. If the fabric is too soft and does not hold its shape, the ears can be reinforced from the inside with cardboard or thick adhesive cloth.
Holes for the eyes and nose are cut into the remaining piece of black cloth. After that, the parts are sewn together. In order to close the neck as well, a collar is cut out of the remaining fabric, which is also sewn to the bottom of the helmet. Now we have a real bat costume.