What to give your loved one for Valentine's Day? Heart postcards are very simple and trite. Most of the time, souvenirs from the store are boring and sooner or later end up in the trash can. So try it yourself!

Volumetric paper heart
An alternative to the usual postcard is a heart made with your own hands using the papercraft technique. Diy schemes are easy to download on the Internet. Usually it is enough to print them on a color printer - and you can cut and glue them.
However, if you want more originality, just use the printed circuit as a template. Transfer it to high-quality colored cardboard or a piece of paper with an interesting picture or pattern. You can (and even better) draw something beautiful on the blank with your own hand. After that, cut the scan and collect your unique memento.
Valentine card made of wood
A brutal version of a valentine as a gift for a girl.
Saw a heart-shaped figurine out of beautiful wood. Treat the edges and surfaces to make them smooth and pleasant to the touch. If you know how, then decorate the craft with carvings.
If a girl loves you, then she will like such a trinket. She will be moved by the very fact that you took the time and made something for her yourself.
Ice valentine
An unusual souvenir that does not last forever, but remains in the memory for a long time.
Take any heart-shaped mold. Heart-shaped plastic boxes or cake lids work well. Prepare some beautiful things: beads, cones, shells, souvenir figurines, dried flowers, etc.
Arrange the treasures artistically in the shape. Fill gently with water. The water can be tinted with watercolors beforehand - this will be more effective. Place the mold in the freezer for a day or two.
To remove the finished valentine from the mold, let it melt a little. And put your artwork out in a prominent place. The icy "heart" will be a great decoration for a romantic evening!
And if you are a man who is going to ask his girlfriend's hand, then an ice valentine will help you do it beautifully. Along with a cold souvenir, present yourself, you know what, and ask your beloved to melt your frozen heart. Naturally, only her consent can help.
Edible valentine
If people have been living together for several years, then you will not surprise each other with souvenirs and beautiful things. But this is not a reason not to give a valentine!
If you know how to bake at least a little, prepare an edible heart. For example:
- valentine cake. For a hungry husband who comes home from work, this will be better than any souvenir!
- hot spicy pizza in the shape of a heart - why not a symbol of your feelings? And even a novice cook is capable of preparing such a “valentine”; there are many very simple recipes;
- Valentine cake or pastries - an option for the experienced;
- valentine cookies. Everything is simple here: take any recipe for homemade cookies, make a dough. Roll out and cut with a heart shape mold. Or make flagella that you put on a heart-shaped baking sheet.
You can cook a lot of different dishes in the shape of a heart. Focus on the tastes of your loved one and the level of your culinary skills - and for everything else, rely on your imagination.
Valentine card - tea bag
Nice little thing that can make a day. How to do it:
- Take a bag of tea, carefully "drive" all the tea leaves to the center.
- Sew the heart-shaped outline by hand with a straight stitch. The tea leaves should be inside.
- Cut off the edges and sew over it with a cross stitch. Use colored thread.
- Replace the factory label of the bag with your own - a paper "heart".
Perhaps this is ideal for the morning of February 14th. Save something bigger for the evening.
Valentine Soap
Another cute detail for Valentine's morning. You get up, go into the bathroom - and instead of the usual bar of soap - "heart"! The mood gets better, even if you have to run to work.
If you are not ready to seriously engage in soap making, use regular soap as a raw material. It will need to be melted and poured into a heart-shaped mold. You can easily find detailed instructions on the Web.
Jar of valentines
How to express the richness of your best feelings? Men have no problems with this: they bought a beautiful bouquet - and expressed everything! And girls have to show imagination. Here's one of the options.
Buy a pretty jar. Fill with any small heart-shaped gifts such as candy, cookies, souvenirs, or paper valentines. And you can - all interspersed. The main thing is to style it beautifully.
It is even better if, in the midst of pleasant little things, there is a more expensive gift in the jar. If it's not your car keys, then a gift card or banknote will also work. The latter, by the way, can also be folded in the shape of a heart.