For a wedding to be successful, it is not enough to carefully prepare and work out the program and choose a good decoration for the hall. The groom should take into account that much will depend on his behavior. In order not to incur the wrath of the bride and not cause a negative reaction from the guests by his actions, the hero of the occasion needs to monitor his behavior.

Step 1
Don't be late. On your wedding day, you will most likely have to visit many places. You need to pick up the wedding cake and bouquets, pick up the bride, show up in time to the registry office and to the banquet, if a studio photo session is ordered, then be in time for it. Plan your day so you have plenty of time to travel. Otherwise, you will be nervous yourself, bring the bride to tears and displease the guests.
Step 2
If you and your fiancé decide to conduct a ransom, try to remain calm for the rest of the ritual. The bridesmaids and relatives of the bride may mock you and even come up with humiliating tasks, but since you yourself agreed to this, try to withstand everything with dignity. If you do not intend to endure bullying, agree in advance with the guests and the bride that there will be no ransom.
Step 3
During the ceremony at the registry office, follow the instructions of the staff. Do not worry, they will explain and show you everything, so that you will not get confused and will do everything right. By the way, do not forget that it is the groom who is obliged to give the documents for registration of the marriage to the registry office employees, moreover, this must be done in advance.
Step 4
Throughout the celebration, both in the registry office and at the banquet, the groom must treat the bride very carefully. And the point is not only that the girl is very worried and, perhaps, even afraid. It's just that the bride often has the most difficult trials: it is she who is given huge bouquets in armfuls, at the risk of wrinkling or staining the dress; her shoe, like herself, is being stolen by drunken guests, and sometimes brute force is used for this. And if you remember that the bride must keep her luxurious dress and hairstyle impeccable until the end of the wedding, it becomes clear that she needs special attention and protection.
Step 5
Behave with dignity. Never get drunk - you will have time to do it later, when the wedding is over. Do not get involved in a fight if one of the guests, registry office or restaurant employees insulted you or your fiancee. The groom should agree in advance with his friends so that they help resolve such issues and calm down the drunk themselves.