On the wedding day, the gaze of all guests, as a rule, is turned to the bride. It is she who is given the most attention, so the girl should be able to remain impeccably beautiful and cheerful throughout the day.

Step 1
Agree in advance with the witness about her responsibilities. It is she who should monitor your appearance, correct your veil, hairstyle, train and dress, speak when you need to lightly powder your face and bring your lips, etc. The bride should not take out a mirror every half hour in front of guests or go to the toilet room to clean herself up.
Step 2
Try to control yourself. Of course, it is permissible for the bride to shed a few tears during the ceremony at the registry office or when removing the veil, but sobs and even more tantrums will be completely inappropriate. Remain calm even if something goes wrong. Don't drink too much alcohol: a drunk bride can ruin the whole party.
Step 3
Pay a little attention to all guests, including relatives and friends of the groom, even if you hardly know them. Of course, the bride cannot entertain every guest, but at least try to involve everyone in turn in contests and dances, compliments in passing, smile. Do not start fights, even if the behavior of one of the guests offends you. If there are conflicts, it is better to ask your friends to settle them. This is especially true of cases when the bride was forced to invite people to the wedding who are sure that such an event cannot take place without a fight.
Step 4
Be nice to the groom. Remember that a wedding is a celebration of your love, and annoying little things should not become the cause of silly quarrels on such a wonderful day. Sometimes brides, because of too much excitement, begin to reproach the grooms for any reason. Don't do that. Your husband is also worried, as are your parents and friends, so forget about your whims so as not to ruin the holiday.
Step 5
Don't sit at the table all day. You must be ready for the leading role: it is the bride who often has to participate in many competitions, dance all evening, etc. Of course, the plan of the event should be discussed in advance with the toastmaster in order to avoid unpleasant surprises. By the way, keep in mind that you shouldn't only dance with the groom. Of course, flirting should not be allowed, but remember that, according to the omen, dancing with a bride promises a man happiness and good luck.