As you know, the bride should look gorgeous and feel good. To do this, she will need a beautiful dress and comfortable shoes. Therefore, the task of choosing shoes is quite serious and you need to approach it very responsibly.

Before heading to a shoe store, a bride must determine the exact shade of her dress and its style. Then think about where the wedding ceremony and photography will take place. After that, you can safely go and choose shoes.
There are several rules for choosing shoes for a wedding celebration:
1. First you need to decide on the color. Shoes should be of the same shade as the dress, not different and not conspicuous. An exception is the case when the dress has some bright element. Then you can choose shoes in color for a more original look.
2. Pay attention to the length of your outfit, you need to know the exact height of the heel. No bride wants to wear a dress that has her shoes peeking out from under it, and it will seem short. She will also be uncomfortable if the dress stretches too far on the floor, here you need to find a middle ground.
3. It is necessary to consider the style of the dress and shoes. They must match and harmonize perfectly. And the whole outfit, in general, should be close to the theme of your wedding.
4. And most importantly, the chosen shoes should be comfortable enough for the bride to have the opportunity to walk in them throughout the entire celebration without torment and pain. Shoes must be purchased in advance before the wedding and every day for ten minutes to wear them around the house. This will give you the opportunity to get used to the shoes and carry them around.
5. Try not to skimp on shoes. Shoes made of leather or suede will be expensive, but they will be of good quality, which means they will provide comfort to the bride.
6. And one more important piece of advice - choose shoes in the late afternoon, due to the fact that your legs are slightly swollen, you will buy the most comfortable and suitable shoes for you.
Take the time to buy, consider all possible options, because the bride's mood completely depends on the right shoes, which means the atmosphere at the ceremony and celebration.