Almost every gift needs a package. The cheapest and easiest option is to buy a paper gift bag and place the gift there. You can also buy a matching box. Many people do just that. If you want to make your gift to your spouse, mom or dad, your beloved mother-in-law, children or an old friend the most original one, make the packaging for it yourself.

Step 1
If the gift already has a box, great. As a last resort, you can pick up a box or make it yourself from cardboard. Also stock up on wrapping colored paper, superglue, double-sided tape, scissors, a stapler, various decorations and ribbons.
Step 2
First, wrap the gift box with wrapping paper of the color you want, then glue the edges of the paper with superglue (PVA or stationery glue is also suitable). Then wrap the box with tape, secure it at the junction with a stapler and tie the edges of the ribbon with a bow.
Step 3
You can use a wreath made of artificial twigs or make the same wreath with your own hands, but from real branches. Attach a small bell to it, a couple of small ribbon bows. You can fix the decorated wreath on the box with double-sided tape. That's all. Simple and tasteful.
Step 4
It is not uncommon for a birthday party (mainly to work colleagues or bosses) to be presented with bottles. Whether it is a bottle of expensive wine, cognac, whiskey or real French champagne, it is not so important. You can pack any bottle. Just remember when decorating a gift: the bottle packaging should not be too decorative.
Step 5
Get some wrapping paper, double-sided tape, ribbon, scissors, and a stapler. Wrap the bottle with wrapping paper, securing it with double-sided tape at the junction. Now you should arrange the bottom, carefully bending and strengthening the paper. Cut it exactly from above, then wrap it three centimeter turns towards the junction of the sides. Make a couple of cuts about a third of the width of the paper. Next, bend the corners back and secure them with a stapler.
Step 6
Then unfold the top, put a thin ribbon in it and wrap it up again. This will create a "collar". Bend the corners of this "collar" together with the threaded ribbon to the front side of the package. Now it remains to carefully smooth out the package with your fingers and tie a "tie" in any way that is convenient for you. The man's gift is ready.