On September 16, 1987 in Montreal, Canada, delegates from 36 countries signed the Montreal Protocol. Each of these 36 states undertook to take all possible measures to gradually limit, and in the long term - to completely stop the production and use of substances that deplete the ozone layer of the earth's atmosphere.

Scientists' studies conducted shortly before the signing of the protocol led to simply shocking results. It turned out that in the subpolar Antarctic region, the ozone layer has thinned so much that we can talk about the emergence of a real ozone hole. Its area is huge, and every year it becomes more and more. But it is ozone that saves all life on Earth from the destructive effects of ultraviolet radiation from the Sun! It became clear that immediate action was needed to save the ozone layer.
In subsequent years, more and more states, including the Russian Federation, joined the protocol. The UN General Assembly in 1994 decided to declare September 16 the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer.
This day was first celebrated in Russia in 2011. Employees of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and UN representatives took part in the program prepared and implemented on the basis of the State Polytechnic College No. 19 - the only educational institution in Russia that trains specialists in the field of installation and maintenance of industrial and domestic refrigeration equipment. The choice was not accidental, since fluorinated refrigerants are the main source of ozone depletion. And in order to control the reliability of the refrigeration equipment, preventing leakage of refrigerants into the environment, as well as to gradually reduce the volume of their production and use, qualified specialists are needed in this field.
On September 16 this year, Moscow will also celebrate the Day of the Protection of the Ozone Layer. In addition to traditional reports and information on the results of observations of the ozone layer thickness in the circumpolar regions, data on the measures taken to regulate the circulation of ozone-depleting substances in Russia will be presented. Educational computer games dedicated to the preservation of the ozone layer will be held. And at the end of the holiday, a concert program will be shown.