How Will The Constitution Day Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan Be Held?

How Will The Constitution Day Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan Be Held?
How Will The Constitution Day Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan Be Held?

On August 30, Kazakhstan celebrates Constitution Day - one of the most important public holidays. It was on this day in 1995 that the basic law of the country was adopted at a national referendum.

How will the Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan be held?
How will the Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan be held?

The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved new principles for building the state, enshrined guarantees for the implementation of fundamental human and civil rights. According to the head of state Nursultan Nazarbayev, the Constitution of the country is the foundation of freedom, because it gave the people of the republic the most important thing - the right to choose. The main law of the country reflects the will of the people and consolidates important democratic values. An important feature of this document is that, on the one hand, it acts as the basic law of the state, and on the other, of society.

By tradition, Kazakhstanis will celebrate the Constitution Day on a grand scale. One of the main events of the festive events will be a military parade in Astana. It will be a beautiful and impressive sight. Representatives of all the troops of the republic will demonstrate their power and strength on the capital square near the memorial complex "Country of Kazakhs" ("Kazakh Eli"). Thousands of servicemen will march along the central streets of the capital in orderly march, military equipment will pass in even columns. Several dozen planes and helicopters will be circling in the sky. The live broadcast of the capital's parade will be organized in all major cities of the republic.

Kazakhstan is the only country where a parade of troops takes place on Constitution Day. As the President of the country Nursultan Nazarbayev noted, “this is our unique tradition. It shows the power of the state, and our peaceful achievements, the unity and cohesion of society."

The festive events will take place not only in Astana. In all cities of Kazakhstan, solemn meetings, forums and conferences, festive concerts, folk festivals will be organized. Various festivals and competitions in national and applied sports will brighten up the holiday. The final attribute of the holiday will be fireworks.
