The Day of the Holy Trinity is a great church holiday. It is a symbol of the trinity of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and is also considered a symbol of the beginning of a new life. In 2020, Trinity will be celebrated on June 7th.

Trinity: the history of the holiday
Trinity is one of the most important Orthodox holidays, but some traditions are closely intertwined with pagan culture. Its essence is reverence for the unity of the Holy Spirit, God the Father and the Son of the Savior. On the fiftieth day after the execution of Jesus, the apostles gathered in the light room, where suddenly a bright flame appeared, which did not burn, but only shone. So the Spirit descended from heaven and rewarded all those present with the knowledge of languages. The unique gift received for faith made it possible to tell the whole world about the sacrifice of the Son of God for the salvation of all people.
When is Holy Trinity Day in 2020
It is believed that the Svetlitsa, in which the fire appeared, became the first Orthodox church. The Trinity is also called Pentecost, because it is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter. It is celebrated only on Sunday. The date of the holiday changes annually. In 2020, Trinity will be celebrated by Orthodox believers on June 7. The Catholic Trinity in Russia in 2020 falls on May 25.
Traditions and rituals
Believers celebrate Trinity for three days. On the Saturday night before Pentecost, many Christians go to the temple. On this day, it is customary to commemorate deceased relatives. There is no traditional Sunday liturgy on Trinity. It is replaced with a festive service. After the midday service, Vespers follows, accompanied by three prayers, in which the Holy Spirit descended to earth is glorified. After the holiday, you can not fast for a whole week.
On Trinity, it is customary to consecrate branches, grass, and then lay them out at home. Branches can be placed next to icons or anywhere else. It is believed that they will protect the inhabitants of the house from the coming of evil spirits for a whole year. Consecrated herbs are dried and added to tea.
Temples are also decorated on Trinity. Inside, branches of birch and maple are laid out, and the floor is covered with wormwood, fresh grass. Priests dress in emerald-colored clothing for the service. According to church rules, you cannot work for the Trinity. It is believed that after Pentecost, nature comes to life and a new life begins.

It is necessary to prepare for the holiday in advance. Before Trinity, people clean the house, decorate the sienna with green branches. On Saturday, believers prepare a festive dinner and bake a loaf. Treats should be tasted at Pentecost after attending the service. In the old days, people dried the remains of a loaf and added crumbs to the pie dough throughout the year. It was especially important to add them to the wedding cake so that the life of the newlyweds was happy and carefree.

There are many holiday traditions of pagan origin. Earlier, girls on Trinity wore wreaths and lowered them into the lake. This had to be done carefully, leaning over the water, but not touching its surface. If the wreath floated away, it means that this year its owner is destined to get married. A sunken wreath is a harbinger of misfortune.
The tradition of preparing brooms for the bathhouse at Pentecost has been preserved. The branches must not be cut, but must be broken. Such brooms have healing powers. You cannot swim on Trinity. Previously, people believed that mermaids wake up on a holiday, which can drag tourists into the water.
There used to be a lot of matchmaking on Trinity. It is believed that on this day something needs to be done that will mark the beginning of a new life. The rainy weather at Pentecost is a good sign. If it rains on a holiday Sunday, the whole year will be fertile and successful.