There is only one week left before the Bright holiday of Easter, which is called Passion, and it begins immediately after Palm Sunday. How to spend this strictest week of Great Lent?

In the last week before Easter, they observe a strict fast, do not eat meat, fish, egg and dairy products. Each day of Holy Week has its own meaning; they can be conditionally divided into the first and second three days. Passion is the suffering that Jesus endured for sins. During the week, they remember the Savior's whole life, the miracles that he performed.
On Great Monday, they remember the barren fig tree, which is the image of a person who perishes in sin. They start a big cleaning, put the house in order. You can create a festive table menu.
On Great Tuesday, Orthodox Christians recall the exposure of the scribes and Pharisees by Jesus Christ and the parables that he uttered in the Jerusalem Temple. Women in Russia prepared "juicy milk" on this day. To do this, before sunrise, they took hemp and flaxseed, pounded it and poured water over it. This milk was given to animals at dawn in order to protect them from diseases. Also on Great Tuesday, they prepare clothes for Great Sunday, wash and iron linen. You can make a list of products to buy for the holiday.
On Great Wednesday, they remember how Jesus was betrayed by his disciple Judas, and they glorify the sinful woman who poured precious ointment on Jesus' head. Maundy Wednesday is the day of confession before Maundy Thursday. On Wednesday evening, you can prepare all the products for the cake: soak dried fruits, peel nuts. All household chores must be completed on Wednesday.
After that, the most important three days of Holy Week begin. On Maundy Thursday, the Last Supper is remembered, the last meal of Jesus with his disciples. This day is called Maundy Thursday, on which the Orthodox strive to cleanse themselves spiritually, to receive communion. On Maundy Thursday, for the first time, they cut their hair for one-year-old children, and girls cut the ends of their hair so that they grow longer and thicker. In the morning, the money is counted three times so as not to know the needs throughout the year. On Thursday they swim in an ice-hole or douche themselves with water, preferably before dawn. It is believed that one who bathes before sunrise will be healthy all year round. Easter cakes are prepared, for this they put dough in the morning.
On Good Good Friday, the tragic events are remembered - on this day, the crucifixion and death on the cross of the Savior took place. During the morning service, candles are held, which symbolize the greatness of Christ in his suffering. On Friday, fasting is especially strict, food is consumed only after dinner, it is bread and water. You should not do household chores, do cleaning and wash. Easter is being prepared on this day.
On Great Saturday, in the morning, they hold a service, the Orthodox remember the stay of Christ in the tomb, and hold the lighting of Easter food. On this day, the descent of the Holy Fire takes place in Jerusalem. From 22.00 the believers go to the church for the Easter Vigil and Liturgy. After the festive service, they break their fast, any food is allowed on the table.
Great Resurrection (Easter). The greatest and most significant holiday in Christianity is coming. It symbolizes the Resurrection of the Savior. On this day, many are baptized, people exchange colored eggs. The egg is considered the main symbol of Easter, it means new life and resurrection.