Easter is an annual holiday in Russia, but its date is rolling and changes in the calendar every year. Today it is already clearly known what date will be Easter in 2019.

As you know, Christians. The appearance of the holiday goes back a long way, and Easter has no clear date. The fact is that this holiday is celebrated on the first Sunday after the full moon, which follows the vernal equinox, passes. To celebrate Easter, they even make up special tables - Easter. In Easter, the last week is determined, which is called passionate (dedicated to the passions or, as they say most often, the sufferings of Jesus Christ).
Easter is always celebrated in a solemn atmosphere with a procession of the cross. Houses that did not go to church that day create a festive atmosphere on their own: they bake cakes, paint eggs, buy Easter symbols in the form of rabbits or lambs. It is during the celebration of Easter that spring wins and awakens nature.
According to the 2019 calendar, Easter will be celebrated on 28 April. This date will end which will last. During such a fast, people try to cleanse themselves from sins, limiting themselves to "harmful" food and rethinking their spiritual life.
Traditionally, everyone goes to visit each other and christen. To do this is quite simple, you just need to say the phrase: "Christ is Risen!", And in response to receive: "Truly Risen!". A fairly simple ceremony that brings so much joy to both children and adults. In many regions of Russia, on this day, children even go home, knock on doors, and, having said the cherished phrase, they receive an answer and a treat. As a rule, these are Easter cakes, colored eggs, candy, or even money.
The bright holiday of Easter is eagerly awaited in every home and spent in the family circle.