Along with Christmas, Easter is one of the most revered Christian holidays. Both Orthodox and Catholics around the world celebrate in the spring the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which, according to the Gospel, took place three days after his crucifixion (on Good Friday). In Russia, this church date has recently become symbolic even for unchurched people. Many people want to celebrate the bright holiday of Easter, but they do not know how to do it correctly so as not to incur the wrath of believers.

Step 1
Since Easter is the result of Great Lent, preparation should be started correctly seven weeks before the bright feast of the Resurrection of Christ. It is believed that only a person who has fasted since Shrovetide, who has denied himself meat food, can truly feel the joy of the Easter table. Indeed, it is on Easter Sunday, for the first time after Maslenitsa, that many non-lenten meals are allowed.
Step 2
In the church, the celebration of Easter begins on the night from Saturday to Sunday, at a solemn service. It is better to come to the service before midnight, even on Holy Saturday. Churched people are supposed to confess and receive communion, and only then take part in Easter amusements. If you can't find yourself in the church at night, you can come to Easter Matins - a morning service, where the festive foods brought with you are blessed: painted eggs and Easter cakes.
Step 3
On the day of the celebration of Easter, the obligatory edible attributes of this day must be present on the table. First, dyed chicken eggs. Previously, they were painted only red with onion peels, in memory of the Miracle, when after the Resurrection of Christ an egg turned red in the hands of an unbeliever. Today, eggs can be painted in any color and even decorated with stickers with church symbols. The second obligatory dish is called the same as the holiday: Easter. It is made from cottage cheese and butter with the addition of raisins, sour cream, sugar and other ingredients. The third party messenger of the holiday is Easter cake, a rich cake with icing that you can bake yourself or buy in a store or church shop.
Step 4
Everyone you meet on Easter Sunday is supposed to say "Christ is Risen!" And answer: "Truly he is risen!"
At the table during Easter breakfast, lunch and dinner, you need to "clink" colored eggs with each other, looking at whose egg cracks first. And so - until the definition of the absolute winner at the table.