No one is insured against a situation when, for one reason or another, he cannot use a ticket paid in advance, which gives the right to attend an event, carry out a long trip by one or another type of transport, etc.

Considering that a ticket for a concert, a theater, a train, a motor ship, an airplane, etc. implies the reservation of a seat that becomes vacant if you refuse to travel or an event, the organizers have the opportunity to re-sell it. Each organization that sells tickets takes this opportunity into account and stipulates the conditions for a refund.
When can I return my ticket?
If the deadline for returning a railway or air ticket, during which your material losses will be minimal (payment of commission services, etc.), is indicated on the ticket itself, then the terms in which you can return a ticket for a concert or lecture in the absence of such information should be specified. Usually, a ticket for any cultural event can be returned no later than half an hour before its start.
How much money will be returned to you when the ticket is returned?
As for travel, the conditions for the return of funds and their amount are different. So, for example, in Russia and the CIS countries, in order for the states to return a ticket at the station from which the train departs, and receive a corresponding certificate in return. The money for the ticket is returned to them at the place of purchase, i.e. at home. When returning a ticket for a train traveling to Europe, you can return the amount in full, excluding the commission, 6 hours before its departure.
You can return a train ticket even when you are late for it
Provided that the ticket is returned later than 15 hours, but earlier than 4 hours before the train departure, 50% of the cost of a reserved seat (berth) will be deducted from the cost of a train ticket, which is about 30% of the cost of the entire ticket. The cost of a reserved seat will not be refunded to you if you return the train ticket later than 4 hours before the train departure, and if you want to return the ticket because you were late for the train. If you are late, you can return the money paid for the ticket, with the exception of the cost of a reserved seat, no later than three hours after its departure.