All working people noticed one interesting fact: while you work, nothing hurts, but as soon as you go on vacation or retire, a huge number of various diseases immediately manifest themselves. There is another situation: a sick child was born in the family. Of course, you can be like a treatment in a polyclinic and achieve only a slight improvement, or you can take a different path: go to a sanatorium and return refreshed and with improved health.

Step 1
Select the type of tour. There are three types of documents: free, partially paid, and paid.
Step 2
A free voucher is issued by the Republican Center for Health Improvement and Sanatorium Treatment. They give it out on the basis of a certificate received from a local doctor. The therapist, in turn, issues it after a complete medical examination of the patient.
Step 3
With moderate forms of the disease, you can constantly renew the certificate to receive another free ticket. To do this, upon returning from the sanatorium, you should go to the polyclinic at the place of residence and write a statement about the need for sanatorium treatment.
Step 4
For some diseases that are severe, vouchers are not issued. For example, if diagnosed with grade 3 hypertension or schizophrenic disorders.
Step 5
The voucher with partial payment is issued at the place of work from the trade unions or by the doctor himself. This type implies preferential discounts when paying for travel expenses, meals, accommodation and treatment. The main amount is covered by the Fund for Social Protection of the Population. But such vouchers are issued to therapists and trade union organizations in limited quantities.
Step 6
To get this voucher at work, you must write an application and attach a certificate of the need for treatment in a sanatorium, issued by a therapist.
Step 7
Full payment for the voucher. This type is acquired in special institutions working from certain sanatoriums, or through travel agencies. These vouchers include full travel expenses, meals, medical treatment and accommodation.
Step 8
These organizations must submit a certificate from a therapist, passport or birth certificate if the voucher is taken for children. It is also possible to buy another package for the parent accompanying the child.