Since the forties of the XX century, suspiciously much has been said about unidentified flying objects (UFOs). People who declared that they saw such objects, had contact with aliens, etc., often began to get into the focus of public attention. Of course, researchers of such cases also appeared. They even have their own holiday - it is called UFO Day or UFO Day.

Roswell incident
UFO Day is celebrated every year on July 2nd. This date is not accidental - it is associated with the famous Roswell incident in 1947. It was then that in the territory of the state of New Mexico, in the desert near the city of Roswell, a certain apparatus crashed.
A little later in the issue of the local newspaper "Roswell Daily Record" there was an article entitled "The military seized a flying saucer at the ranch near Roswell." This article was based on a press release provided by Public Relations Officer Walter Hout on the orders of Colonel William Blanchard.

What was written in the newspaper caused a huge stir. However, the next day, American General Reimi denied the information contained in the Roswell Daily Record. He said that an ordinary weather balloon crashed in the vicinity of Roswell. Be that as it may, the incident was classified by the US authorities.
A second wave of interest in the Roswell incident came after an interview with Major Jesse Marcel was published in 1978. Marseille took part in the investigation of the 1947 incident. And he was sure that the military had found exactly the alien ship and several dead aliens. His story has become very popular with UFO enthusiasts and has appeared in a number of documentaries.
In the nineties, some papers from the US military archives concerning the Roswell incident were made public. They, among other things, contained information that the probe that fell in 1947 was used as part of the top-secret Mogul project. This project involved the fixation (with the help of special equipment, which was placed just on the probes) of sound waves from the tests of bombs, which at that time were carried out in the USSR. The project achieved its stated goals, but was deemed too expensive and was eventually abandoned in 1949. However, this explanation, of course, did not satisfy everyone … In general, disputes about what happened in the summer of 1947 in the state of New Mexico are still ongoing.
UFO Day in Roswell
The largest UFO Day celebrations are held in Roswell itself. Tens of thousands of people come here every year in early July. At this time, a festival is held here, which includes thematic lectures, seminars, special exhibitions, as well as a funny costume parade. It is estimated that UFO Day brings millions of dollars to the Roswell economy every year.
On the days when the festival is taking place, there are practically no free rooms in the hotels of the city. Guests of the city are sold souvenirs with alien symbols, as well as organize excursions for them to the area where the fragments of the "flying saucer" were found.

On top of that, anyone can visit the Roswell International UFO Museum. One of the main exhibits of the museum is a realistic doll depicting a conventional alien with a disproportionately large head.
Celebrating Ufologist Day in other countries
Of course, on July 2, ufological seminars, forums, conferences, demonstrations of documentary materials are held in other places of our planet. The interest in this topic is still very high.

And on July 2, some activists send letters to the relevant structures with a request to declassify the available information about UFOs. The opinion that the authorities and special services are hiding information about aliens and their aircraft is quite widespread.
By the way, Russia also has its own UFO organization, its name is "Cosmopoisk". It has branches in a number of regions of the country. This means that there are many enthusiasts living in the Russian Federation who can consider the Day of the Ufologist as their professional holiday.
It is worth mentioning here that ufology is not recognized as a serious scientific discipline (many scientists call it pseudoscience). This is due to the fact that no one has provided one hundred percent verifiable evidence of the existence of UFOs. But who knows, maybe everything is still ahead …