Only very boring people don't give each other cards for Christmas. Of course, you can just buy such a postcard. But it is much more interesting to make it yourself. It will take, perhaps, even less time, taking into account the fact that you will not have to spend it on the way to the store.

Step 1
Take a sheet of A4 thick paper. Fold it in half so that the resulting postcard base is A5.
Step 2
On the front cover of the card, draw a Christmas tree first. Use colored pencils for this. Try not to use felt-tip pens: the drawing will turn out to be colorful, like a child's, and with the slightest mistake you will have to start all over again, since you will not be able to fix it with an eraser. The size of the tree should not take up the entire area of the cover. There should be room on all four sides around it. Draw the tree itself using green and simple pencils, and make the stand for it brown, imitating a tree.
Step 3
Draw colorful balls hanging from the branches of the Christmas tree. Where necessary, make room for their image with the eraser. Apply also the image of "rain" (for this you can use a silver gel pen like "metallic"), garlands.
Step 4
Draw boxes with ribbons under the tree to represent gifts. Leave some space for the inscription, which will be located under the image of the tree.
Step 5
Take a type stencil. Write "Merry Christmas" above the tree, and below it write the four digits of the coming year.
Step 6
Draw smiling children on the sides of the tree.
Step 7
Draw a window behind the tree through which you can see the fireworks. Draw the window itself with a simple pencil, and the fireworks with colored ones.
Step 8
Draw a line that forms the object plane so that the window is above this line, and the stand and gifts are below it. Fill the space not occupied by any objects below the line with horizontal strokes, and above it with vertical strokes.
Step 9
Opening the card, write a congratulation addressed to its recipient in a beautiful handwriting. Use verses, including your own, if you like.
Step 10
If you wish, write your coordinates (phone, e-mail) on the back of the postcard - so it will look more like a factory one.