Sabantuy is a national Muslim holiday of the Bashkir and Tatar people. The holiday is known not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders. During its centuries-old history, Sabantuy has acquired a huge number of admirers, therefore it can be safely called folk.

Step 1
The word "sabantuy" is translated from the Turkic language as "plow holiday", a holiday is held before haymaking, after the completion of sowing work. The time of Sabantuy celebration differs in different cities and villages; the dates may vary from the end of May to the end of June. Sabantuy glorifies the work of the farmer and nature. The holiday turns out to be very fun and can last from three to five days. It all starts early in the morning, at which time children and adults walk to neighboring houses, collect candy and painted eggs.
Step 2
After that, interesting entertainment is arranged on the main square, as well as games with collected eggs. During the fun, women cook an extraordinary porridge, which is called "for the whole world." In the common cauldron, they put food that the residents of the surrounding area brought with them to Sabantuy. Among the most common amusements, it should be noted: jumping in bags, fighting with bags on a log, dragging water on rocker arms, long jumping, catching a coin from a bowl of milk with your mouth, climbing a slippery post, waxed with oil, and breaking clay pots with eyes.
Step 3
All of these games are just entertainment. The most important events in Sabantui are horse races and the national wrestling Kuresh. During the fight, men rest their shoulders on the shoulder and clasp each other with towels, trying to pull the opponent. Wrestlers require a lot of cunning, dexterity and strength, the fight takes place according to strict rules. The most experienced and respected elders-aksakals supervise the conduct of this competition, they then award the strongest participant a victory. The winner, or in other words a batyr, receives as a gift a fat ram that has just been slaughtered at Sabantuy.
Step 4
With the received prize on his shoulders, the winner makes a circle of honor, then they swing him with the whole Maidan. After the batyr left, the entire Maidan dispersed. The carriage with the hero drives out into the village street, ringing bells, and general rejoicing begins. Everyone smiles and waves at the winner, because he is now the most famous person in the whole district (until next year). All participants go home with guests to celebrate Sabantuy at the festive table.