Alumni meetings have already become a cultural tradition. With a certain periodicity, they are attended by those who studied together at school or at the institute. If that date is already approaching and you are tasked with organizing an alumni meeting day, then it's time to act!

Step 1
Depending on how many years have passed since then and whether your graduation date is round, decide how solemn it can be. In the event that a little time has passed and the date is not anniversary, you can organize your gatherings with friends in a cafe or a small cozy restaurant, where you will have the opportunity to chat and dance. You can start an anniversary meeting within the walls of your own school or institute and invite your teachers and teachers to it. For 25 and even 50 years, you can collect all the graduates of the same year and course with you.
Step 2
The sooner you start preparing, the better. Try, at least, to call all your classmates, those who have phones, as soon as possible. Find a list of your class or group, and search for out-of-reach on social media. Offer them a specific date for the meeting and adjust it if there are many requests to postpone to some more convenient date for the majority.
Step 3
Having decided on the date, visit the school, talk with the teachers, discuss the possibility of meeting with them within the walls of your alma mater. Once you have agreed, notify your friends of the final date and ask them to confirm their participation in the meeting. Consult with friends, read reviews on the Internet, choose a suitable restaurant or cafe so that you can all fit comfortably there. Order it for this date.
Step 4
But a restaurant or a cafe is not at all necessary. The meeting can be more informal if one of the classmates will provide her with his own house, or rather, a cozy courtyard. In the summer it is even preferable to sit in a stuffy and smoky room.
Step 5
Think over the program of your meeting, define its theme. If in your youth you had common hobbies - for example, you all went hiking or played sports, then you can prepare some wall newspapers or memories united by these topics.
Step 6
In the event that you loved to sing to the guitar on your hikes, ensure that it is present at your meeting - if the restaurant is ordered in full, then you can sing along to your heart's content. Choose the musical accompaniment for the evening - on the Internet you can download almost all the songs that sounded at the time when you studied. Prepare a video presentation - many restaurants now have projectors. If it is not there, you can order and bring the equipment in advance.
Step 7
Make an estimate of the holiday, in which, in addition to the dinner fees, take into account the funds for renting a restaurant, equipment, gifts and flowers for teachers. For the meeting, you can order a professional photographer who will take really interesting pictures. In this case, take into account in the cost estimate the payment for his labor and the production of copies of photographs on digital media.