July 27 is not considered a festive day in the religious calendar of the Orthodox, however, on this date, some saints are honored and a number of traditions are observed by representatives of, for example, the Armenian Church, as well as those who are still close to pagan beliefs.

July 27 is the most revered holiday among religious Armenians - Vardavar. The holiday was established in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord on Mount Tabor. According to the biblical legend, Christ and the three apostles climbed this mountain, where the prophet Elijah and Moses appeared to them. Christ spoke to the prophets, his face was transformed from speeches and thoughts, and his clothes became whiter than snow.
Armenian day of Kupala
In Orthodox canons, Vardavar is not celebrated on a grand scale due to the fact that historically this day coincided with a pagan holiday, the traditions of which turned out to be no less strong, for example, than the traditions for Ivan Kupala.
The name of the holiday goes back to the word "Vard" - a rose, as the Armenians called the pagan goddess of love and fertility Astghik. The goddess poured water and sowed grain, cultivating rich harvests. Hence the tradition of dousing on July 27th.
It is believed that Gregory the Illuminator proclaimed the day Vardavar, commanding to celebrate the Transfiguration of the Lord on the first day of August, but later the date became floating and only in the 17th century was fixed on July 27. The mention of the day of Ivan Kupala is by no means accidental, because Vardavar is also celebrated with douches and noisy walks in the forest, except that a fern flower, as in Russia, is not sought.
Finnish sony day
Looking at the calendar, you can find many worthy and even a few humorous holidays timed to the 27th of July. So, in America, this day is associated with the day of honoring parents. The holiday has an official status and is aimed at honoring fathers and mothers. It is this day that shows the importance of the role of parents, which the American government emphasizes in the upbringing of the next generation.
July 27 according to the Orthodox calendar is the Day of the Seven Youths of Ephesus, which in Finland, for example, is jokingly called the day of sleepyheads, although July 27 has a deeper and rather sad story associated with the legend of Christians (Ephesian youths, i.e. young people, adolescents), who slept in deep caves for more than two hundred years in search of a way to protect themselves from the wrath of the cruel Roman emperor.
Of the official holidays, July 27 is the day of the Russian Navy, in Ukraine they celebrate the Day of the Armed Forces.
It is interesting that the religiosity of this holiday has long been erased under the atmosphere of universal national fun and festivities timed to this day. That is why, on a fine sunny day, many Finns prefer to appear in cute pajamas and nightcaps, completely without fear of condemnation from passers-by, and negligent sleepyheads meet in the morning in the water, where playful relatives happily immerse their sleepy family members.