For those who love carnivals, there is no need to go to Rio de Janeiro or Havana. Go to Hamburg. Every September, in the middle of the month, the Carnival of World Cultures is held here, which brings together the best artists and dance groups from different parts of Germany and other countries. However, there are also many local talents here, because people of various nationalities live in Hamburg.

The idea of the Hamburg Karneval des Kulturen is to tell Europeans about representatives of other cultures, to demonstrate their characteristics, skills and talents. National music, costumes, dances and songs, as well as applied arts and even the cuisine of different nations - most Germans have a fairly general idea about this. And comfortable coexistence is impossible without understanding and acceptance.
There are many different national communities in Hamburg, people from Africa, Asia, Oceania live here. They have something to offer and show to the Europeans - and they, in turn, are ready to accept new things and in return demonstrate their own talents.
Every year a specific theme is assigned to the Carnival of Cultures: "respect", "tolerance", "love". The events take only two days, so the program is very busy. The scale of the action is amazing. During these September days, the whole of Hamburg turns into a large tourist center. Events for all tastes are organized in different districts of the city - book and souvenir fairs, parades of dancers, performances of theater groups, tastings of national dishes. The city website of Hamburg publishes the program of events, the time of their start and the route to one or another entertainment center.
An obligatory part of the holiday is a city parade with the participation of musical and dance groups. Children are actively involved in the holiday - special playgrounds, street performances, and a variety of master classes are organized for them. During two holidays, contests and competitions of art groups are held, the winners receive prizes. The holiday ends with a big party.
Any guest can take part in the Carnival - all open events are free, you will have to pay only for food and souvenirs.
Similar events are taking place in other German cities where large ethnic diasporas live. For example, in May-June, the Carnival is organized in Berlin, and in November, Cologne takes over the baton.