From time to time, a loving young man has thoughts: how to please his girlfriend, what surprise to arrange for her, so that it would be a real holiday for her? There is no and cannot be an unambiguous answer to this question. Much depends on the character, upbringing, habits of the girl, on the development of the guy's imagination, and on his financial capabilities, in the end. But still, there are some general rules that should be followed if a guy wants to arrange a holiday for his beloved.

Step 1
Remember that any girl in love just needs to constantly feel your attention and care. The girl is ready to endlessly listen to your assurances that she is in your eyes the most beloved, most beautiful, intelligent, kind, etc. And even better - if these assurances are supported by signs of attention and, of course, gifts. If at the same time there are her friends, colleagues - the girl will literally "in seventh heaven", enjoying their admiration (and at the same time envy).
Step 2
Do not skimp on courtesies or gifts. Even if a young man has financial problems, he may at least sometimes buy beautiful bouquets of flowers for his beloved. And if, for example, you organize the delivery of a bouquet to a girl's work, it will be a real holiday for her.
Step 3
Or, for example, you can present the girl with a handmade souvenir. For example, her photograph in a beautiful carved wooden frame is a wonderful gift and at the same time a sign of attention and love of a young man.
Step 4
If the guy does not have financial difficulties, then, as they say, all the cards are in his hands! You just need to take the time and collect as much information as possible about your beloved. Especially what she is fond of, what she dreams of. And to present her with an unexpected surprise: two tickets to a concert of her favorite band, or, even more so, two tourist trips to the country she dreamed of. The girl will surely be delighted and appreciate such attention properly.
Step 5
The guy should remember that 99% of the fair sex just love shopping. Yes, that same pastime, the mere thought of which drives men either into melancholy or real horror. Of course, no one demands from him that he stoically endure several hours of shopping with his beloved (since there is a limit to dedication). But to give her such an opportunity, for example, by presenting an envelope with the words "Darling, choose and buy what you want …" he is quite capable. And for a girl it will be a real holiday and another reason to think about her boyfriend: "What a good, generous and caring he is!"
Step 6
You can also arrange a romantic dinner. In order not to be trivial, you can add something original to this holiday. For example, order a musician with a violin. Or sing to your favorite song yourself (of course, if you have the data for this). Experiment, be unique and original.