What Should Be Present On The Table In The New

What Should Be Present On The Table In The New
What Should Be Present On The Table In The New

New Year 2017 is approaching, many hostesses are wondering - what should be on the table on this holiday? The year of the Rooster is approaching, it is worth finding out what the symbol of the coming year will like, and what is better to exclude from the menu.

What should be present on the table in the New 2017
What should be present on the table in the New 2017

Fish dishes

Fish dishes can be present on the festive table on this day. You can cook aspic with fish, making it colorful due to a variety of vegetables. After all, the year of the Red Fire Rooster implies a bright and colorful New Year's table!

Cereals and flour products

But still, most of all, the perky Rooster will taste dishes that contain flour, cereals, rice, corn grains. So you can make canapes with bread or make homemade pizza. You can cook roasts from meat dishes. But chicken meat should not be served on the table this year. The symbol of the year will be appreciated if you decorate salads with wheat croutons on top.

Drinks for the New Year's table

Drinks should also be colorful, cheer up and delight the colorful Rooster! Of course, champagne is already a traditional drink. But in addition to it, there should be various juices, fruit drinks, crochets, cocktails on the table. Separately, you can serve colored ice with drinks, making it with the addition of food colors.

Vegetables, fruits and more

Add mushrooms, vegetables, fruits, red caviar to the menu of the New Year's table 2017. The rooster is fiery red, so the table should be full of red foods. Prepare red stuffed peppers, serve tomatoes. Decorate ready-made salads with carrot and beetroot figurines. Serve red apples and berries separately. And, of course, don't forget the tangerines! They are always appropriate on the New Year's table! How can you do without the scent of fresh tangerines?

New Year's table decoration

Choose table decor with the symbol of the coming year. For example, the tablecloth can be embroidered with roosters. Decorate the dishes nicely, for example, with red ribbons. Place candles as a symbol of the year. And do not forget about the New Year tree - a small tree should be present on the table itself, and if you are going to dress up a large green beauty, then decorate it with toys in the form of a New Year symbol.

Add more pastries to the holiday menu, then you will achieve the favor of the symbol of the New Year! In the new year, luck will accompany you in everything - celebrate the holiday brightly to remember this bright holiday for a long time!
