The Black Sea Fleet appeared by the decree of Catherine II, after the annexation of the Crimea to Russia. At the same time, the name Sevastopol was invented, which means "majestic". It is not in vain that the House of Officers of this city is considered the leading institution of culture and leisure of the Black Sea Fleet. There you can look for ideas for good congratulations on the thematic holiday.

Step 1
If possible, purchase recordings of the Sevastopol male vocal ensemble "Sea Soul", the chamber choir "Madrigal", the ensembles "Voice of Russia" and "Andreevsky Flag". They perform works that sailors especially love. Include the sound of such songs in the congratulatory program.
Step 2
Go to local libraries and pick up marine literature. It can be both works of art and books depicting paintings by artists depicting ships and the sea. Also include excerpts from poems, stories in the congratulations program. Ask the person for whom the holiday is arranged to comment on the pictures and tell stories from their life. The sailor on this day will be in the spotlight, and this will be the best congratulations for him.
Step 3
Use the talents of family and friends. Agree that everyone will come to lunch with some number. Surely someone can play the guitar or tell a verse beautifully.
Step 4
In honor of the special day, prepare a “sea” lunch - fish soup and real navy-style pasta. Decorate salads and cakes in a nautical style. For a refreshing look, buy a blue and white tablecloth and seashell napkins. Stretch garlands with flags across the room, and place pictures of portholes along the walls. Invite those present to wear impromptu peakless caps and sailor collars. This will create a mood appropriate for the holiday, and wishes will sound more cordial.
Step 5
The person you are congratulating may not have the rank of captain, but in honor of such a day, announce that the team has assembled, which chose him as the ship's commander. Let him test the wit and resourcefulness of the sailors in the role of those present. If appropriate, do sports - tug-of-war, running, diving, etc. The captain can be both a judge and a participant in competitions.