The Baltic Fleet, created under the leadership of Peter the Great, is the oldest fleet in Russia. His birthday is celebrated on May 18, because it was on May 18, 1703 that the boat flotilla, led by Peter, boarded two Swedish warships at the mouth of the Neva. The glorious combat history of the Baltic Fleet began with this first victory. He became famous in many battles of the Northern War. The seamen of the Baltic Fleet showed massive courage and resilience in the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War, defending the approaches to besieged Leningrad.

Step 1
You can celebrate this holiday in 2012 in St. Petersburg - the former Leningrad. The entire history of this wonderful city is inextricably linked with the sea. It was here that Peter the Great uttered his historical phrase: "We will cut a window to Europe!", Vowing to never give up these shores reclaimed from the Swedes to anyone. At the cost of incredible efforts and sacrifices, one of the most beautiful cities in the world has grown on the site of former swamps and impenetrable forests.
Step 2
Walk along the granite embankments of the wide, full-flowing Neva, admire the majestic palaces and cathedrals, parks. Visit the Summer Garden with marble statues. All this can be admired endlessly.
Step 3
On this day, it will be especially appropriate for you to visit the historic ship - the famous cruiser "Aurora", which took part in the Tsushima battle, and then fired a historical shot from a bow cannon during the October Revolution of 1917. It has long been turned into a museum and is moored to an eternal parking lot near the Nakhimov School, in the place where the Bolshaya Nevka branch branches off from the Neva. Climb to the deck of the ship, try to imagine yourself a participant in those distant events.
Step 4
You can go to the legendary Kronstadt - a fortress city founded by the same Peter the Great on the island of Kotlin, near St. Petersburg. The status of a closed city has long been removed from it, and now most of this historical place is open to tourists. Getting to Kronstadt is very easy: shuttle buses run there along the dam that protects St. Petersburg from floods. It is in Kronstadt that part of the Baltic Fleet is stationed.
Step 5
Explore the Petrovsky Park, the monument to Peter the Great, the Minich House, the Italian House (Menshikov Palace), the harbor of Kronstadt. Of course, pay special attention to the Naval Cathedral, which is a copy (albeit inaccurate) of the famous Hagia Sophia in Constantinople.
Step 6
Most of the Baltic Fleet is stationed in the Kaliningrad Region, a Russian enclave in the Baltic. Therefore, for residents of cities such as Kaliningrad (formerly Konigsberg), Baltiysk, Chernyakhovsk, Gvardeysk, May 18 is a real holiday that they celebrate with pleasure.