Sea Day in Japan is an annual holiday celebrated on the third Monday in July. Its roots go back to the distant past, in 1876, when the Japanese emperor on the steamer "Meiji" toured the northern prefectures and safely returned to the port of Yokohama on July 20. This date was immortalized in 1941 under the name "Maritime Jubilee".

After the revision of the law relating to national holidays in Japan, since 1996, 20 July in the country becomes the Day of the Sea and an official holiday. The symbol of the holiday is a flag depicting a paper boat made of blue, red, yellow and green colors.
In 2003, Sea Day in Japan was postponed to the third Monday in July. This holiday is accompanied by numerous solemn events, the opening of new marine structures, congratulatory speeches addressed to all those whose activities are in any way connected with the sea element.
In order to get to the celebration of Sea Day in Japan, first of all, you need to take care of obtaining a visa. To do this, you need to contact one of the Japanese consulates in Russia. This can be done using the embassy's contact information provided on the website.
Take care of your place of residence in Japan. It is best to book a room in one of the hotels online in advance. To do this, type in the corresponding request in the search program and select one of the many offers. An example of such a site offering services for booking rooms in hotels in Tokyo is
It is also better to book a flight to Japan in advance. This can be done directly at the airline ticket offices or on one of the sites that provide similar services, for example, on the resource: spravochnik_po_aviapereletam / yaponiya.
To visit the Sea Day in Japan, you can also take advantage of special offers from travel companies. In this case, the travel agency, as a rule, takes over the visa processing and hotel booking. Go to one of the websites of companies offering tours to Japan and read the terms of service.