For children, New Year is associated with miracles and gifts. But with each passing year, this wonderful holiday grows dim and more and more often comes down to an ordinary feast with alcohol and Olivier salad. And sometimes you really want to return the feeling of magic.

Step 1
Decorate your tree a couple of days before New Years. The atmosphere is one of the most important components of any holiday. And if a Christmas tree is decorated in your house in mid-December, then by the New Year it becomes an ordinary piece of furniture and, by and large, you can do without it.
Step 2
Discard conventional wisdom. Create your own party. Send invitations to friends, hang a poster of the upcoming holiday at the front door, come up with a dress code. By the way, about the dress code. If you happen to participate in some themed parties, then you probably paid attention to the fact that some guests come in their usual clothes. So that at your holiday among the carnival colors there is no everyday life, prepare spare accessories. It is not at all necessary that these are full-fledged costumes, they can be some kind of attributes. For example, let's say you organized the ancient Greek New Year. Prepare a couple of sheets for forgetful guests to wrap themselves in. And for the holiday of wizards in stock you need to keep several multi-colored caps, a false beard and, for example, a "magic" wand.
Step 3
Think over the scenario. If you want to make the New Year a success, you must have a plan of action. Otherwise, everything will boil down to the fact that a group of unusually dressed people will usually sit at a table and watch TV. The script should correspond (at least sometimes) to the chosen theme of the holiday. The appearance of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden is desirable. It is better if these roles will be played by the organizers or guests, warned a few days before the New Year.
Step 4
Involve guests in organizing the holiday. It is desirable that different people are responsible for each area of work. In this case, the New Year will become a holiday for everyone, and in the morning you will feel pleasant fatigue and satisfaction, and not a desire to send guests home.