How To Prepare A Christmas Tree For The New Year

How To Prepare A Christmas Tree For The New Year
How To Prepare A Christmas Tree For The New Year

Table of contents:


Children perceive the New Year as part of a real miracle. And in order for the New Year's miracle to happen according to all its canons, you will have to think over the New Year's event well. Try to use as many holiday themed elements as possible.

How to prepare a Christmas tree for the New Year
How to prepare a Christmas tree for the New Year

It is necessary

Paper, pen, costumes, music


Step 1

The most important and important attribute of this holiday is the green beauty itself. You can get the tree yourself by obtaining a cutting license. There is another option - buy it at the Christmas tree bazaar. If you are a conservationist, buy an artificial tree. The money for the purchase should be included in the amount that you expect to spend on the holiday. After installing the spruce, be puzzled by the decoration of the coniferous representative herself and the hall for the celebration. Entrust this task to the participants of the holiday, children like this activity.

Step 2

Come up with a holiday scenario based on the age of the participants. Small children should not be confused with a complex plot and include a lot of outdoor games. The older the guys are, the "funnier" jokes in the script can be. If you can't come up with characters and words on your own, refer to collections with options for celebrations or go online. After preparing, hand out the roles and do some rehearsals, pick up costumes and makeup (if necessary). Take care of the musical accompaniment, include in the track list not only songs about winter and New Year, but also simple groovy songs as a background for games. Certain tracks will also be needed to indicate the exit of each character.

Step 3

You will also need a person who will turn on all the songs on time. He must be present at the rehearsals. It is advisable to work with microphones, because sometimes it is difficult to outshout a crowd of guys. Take the time to set up the equipment for each participant of the celebration individually.

Step 4

Notify about the event in advance by posting announcements, radio alerts, etc. Indicate the exact time and place of the holiday. Think of who will greet the children and place them around the tree. Then work according to the written script, and if something does not go as planned, improvise!
