What Holidays, Significant Events, Memorable Dates Are Celebrated On May 31

What Holidays, Significant Events, Memorable Dates Are Celebrated On May 31
What Holidays, Significant Events, Memorable Dates Are Celebrated On May 31

Every day of the year is filled with interesting memorable events. It is enough to flip through the calendar or history textbook to find out how many holidays can be celebrated on a certain date, for example, May 31st.

May 31 - No Tobacco Day
May 31 - No Tobacco Day

Quit smoking, get on your skis

Since 1988, No Tobacco Day has been celebrated around the world on May 31st. This idea was proposed by the World Health Organization. Doctors and social activists hoped that thanks to this date, people would think more about the dangers of smoking, and the problem of tobacco use would begin to fade away.

According to the WHO, smoking worsens the course of at least 25 diseases.

Each year, the UN and WHO propose to spend May 31 under a certain motto. In 2004, the theme of the day was “Tobacco and poverty: a vicious circle”, in 2008 - “Youth without tobacco”, in 2013 - “Ban on advertising, promotion and sponsorship of tobacco companies”, etc. On this day, various conferences, actions and even flash mobs are held around the world, which are designed to defeat the tobacco epidemic.

Bright heads

Another large-scale holiday on May 31 is much more positive - this is World Blondes Day. The date, albeit unofficial, is loved by many women and their fans. The idea of the holiday was born in Russia, and for a couple of years in Moscow they even presented a special Diamond Hairpin award to the most outstanding blondes - business women, social activists, athletes, etc.

Some ladies advocate the official recognition of this day and even the protection of the rights of blondes, since their number in the world is constantly decreasing. In just half a century, their share in the world's population fell from 49% to 14%. According to a number of scientists, by 2202 there will be no more blond earthlings left. Their opponents, however, are sure that there are no prerequisites for this.

So far, only comic parades and beauty contests for blondes take place on this day, especially since May allows them to be organized right on the streets of cities.

Serious holiday

There is also a solid occasion for celebration on May 31 - the Day of the Russian Bar. It appeared quite recently. In 2002, the Federal Law "On advocacy and the legal profession in the Russian Federation" was signed in Russia. The document regulates all aspects of advocacy and establishes the rules for the work of advocates. Three years later, in the spring of 2005, the participants of the next All-Russian Congress of Lawyers decided to accept the day of the signing of the law as their professional holiday.

Overseas reasons

In addition, May 31 in Great Britain is considered the Day of Spring, in Turkmenistan - the day of the Turkmen carpet, and in Abkhazia on this day the victims of the Caucasian War, which took place at the end of the 19th century, are remembered.

At the end of the 19th century, the mountain peoples were forcibly expelled from the Caucasus, and they fled to other countries. They were able to preserve their culture only due to the fact that they were kept by communities in a foreign land.

For Buddhists, May 31 is important as the birthday of Buddha Shakyamuni, and for historians - as the anniversary of the Battle of Kalka. Indeed, in 1223, the Tatar-Mongol yoke began with her, which changed the course of Russian history.
